Posts from "April 2011"
Storms of Judgment, Streams of Mercy
Apr 29, 2011
Keith McWhorter
filed in General
Tornados everywhere! My own county got ripped up just two weeks ago, along with much of eastern NC. Now, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia have suffered horrible damage and loss of life.
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Death Our Teacher?
Apr 20, 2011
Keith McWhorter
filed in General
With the recent passing of two women I loved dearly (a great aunt and a grandmother), death has been on my mind. Sounds morbid, I know. That's because death is morbid!
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Lovely Lovine
Apr 06, 2011
Keith McWhorter
filed in General
On March 30th, 2011 my Mamaw died. Or, more biblically, she passed from death unto life.
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