Posts from "May 2012"

In Remembrance

Just a quick "Thank You" to our military on Memorial Day seems far too small. Not to mention those who have bled the grounds of the world red on our behalf as Americans. We are spoiled rotten by God's mercy in this Nation, and one of the primary means God has used to protect us and our freedoms is our military's sacrifices. So, to troops past and present, I say "Thank You." We met and worshipped yesterday in freedom (spiritual and political). We should be quick to thank God for Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen and Sailors and their families serving around the globe. Thank you!

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17 Years of "Two Becoming One Flesh"

Today, May 20th, 2012 marks my 17th Anniversary! Seventeen years ago today, I stood in front of my gorgeous wife and made a vow to God and her to be her husband until death.

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Yesterday, the voters of North Carolina did the right thing by voting for an amendment to their Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

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The Wonder of True Love

Odd how God's Holy Spirit so often brings the text preachers are planning to preach to bear on their own souls first. Or, maybe it should not strike me as so odd, since preachers really have no business in pulpits if God's Word is not actively shaping, molding and squeezing them, too!

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