Posts from "March 2013"

What's good about Good Friday?

"The he released for them Barabbas, and having Jesus scourged delivered Him to be crucified . . . and when they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the robe and put His own clothes on Him and led Him away to crucify Him" (Matthew 27:26, 31).

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Will the Boys Follow the Girls?

I just read an intriguing article on the "surprising" success of the American Heritage Girls (AHG). The organization was founded 17 years ago by Patti Garibay after she became disgruntled by the Girls Scouts of America's obvious turn towards secular-liberal and even godless causes.

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Livingstone's Legacy

Today my sister called and reminded me that this is the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone. If you have no idea who he was, then take some time and learn!

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March Madness? More Like Year-Round!

The best blog posts and sermon illustrations always come from real life. At least that's true in my opinion. This is why I do not post to this blog multiple times a week, and sometimes I go silent for a few weeks at a time. My life is not always riveting (as difficult as that may be for some of you to believe).

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Jumbled has left me Tumbled

Oh my word! Really? Really, really God? Are You awake? Are You at work? Do You have any idea what is going on? Have You lost complete control? Must I do everything?

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The Moses Diet

Me, my wife and two daughters are tackling reading through the Bible together this year. My wife and I have done this for several years running, but wanted to include our girls this year. While we're a bit behind as of today, we're enjoying reading together, stopping periodically to comment or ponder some grand truth or amazing event. God is good.

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