Posts from "February 2014"
Holy Snake Handling Batman!
Feb 18, 2014
Keith McWhorter
filed in The Gospel
Jamie Coots, a preacher in a church in Middlesboro, KY, died recently from a snake bite. Coots was a "snake-handler" and frequently used snakes in the church as part of a show of "faith." This brand of Christianity is sadly still alive and well in the mountains of my home state of Kentucky, as well as Appalachia in general. But Jamie Coots is dead.
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Real or Not . . . What My Fake Curls Teach Me
Feb 03, 2014
Lori Beard
filed in The Gospel
People want to touch it...they run their fingers through it...they laugh when it springs back. Goodness... my hair has been a real source of wonder for those around me since I curled it....the only thing is...the curl is fake. It is the result of a very costly well done perm. It acts like a regular head of curl would act but there are distinct differences that set it apart.
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