Posts from "April 2015"
The heavens declare the glory of God!
This video was created from actual photographs NASA has taken of the sun over the last five years. Prepared to feel very small and give big praise to the Creator of all things. Our great God made the sun and continues to sustain it as He made and sustains us. To watch this video and not give praise to God is to deny the plain and clear truth. It is just another reminder that God, the maker of all things, is worthy of more praise than we could ever give. It is ludicrous to believe that just by accident, just coincidentally, this incredible star is just the right distance from Earth to sustain life. Countless explosions dance upon the sun's a massive surface because it was designed to do so by our sovereign Lord. I encourage you to watch this and then spend some time in prayer. Praise Him for His incredible creativity and perfect planning of the universe. Praise Him for Jesus who not only created all things and sustains all things, but humbled Himself to become a man, live a perfect life and die for sinners like us! Praise Him!
What should you Trust? What should you Doubt?
I was in a waiting room and began to read the March cover story of National Geographic (available here) when I came across the following two sentences,
Swim at Your Own Risk! Sharks in the Water!
I hardly recognize the country I served honorably as a United States Marine (1995-2000). I hardly recognize the military of my beloved country, for that matter! What in the world is going on?