Posts from "April 2020"
COVID-19 and Your Family
Apr 30, 2020
Keith McWhorter
filed in The Biblical Home
Back in mid-March when the various lock downs began, I commented to one of our home schooling families in our church, "We are all home schoolers now!"
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COVID-19 and Governor Cuomo
Apr 15, 2020
Keith McWhorter
filed in Christian Living
COVID-19 has done some serious damage to New York City. And it has done some serious damage in many other states and cities across the nation and world. Whatever our politics or religious beliefs, or lack thereof, we must all at least be willing to admit a sense of sadness at tens of thousands of deaths (unless you are pro-abortion, which would be the height of hypocrisy, but I digress).
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COVID, the Constitution, and the Church
Apr 07, 2020
Keith McWhorter
filed in Culture War
Like millions around this nation and globe, I have watched a virus reign terror down upon us. Or, is it our governments and medical professionals reigning terror down upon us? Or is it both?
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