A Right to be a Liar

The gray-haired prophet of God stood at the precipice of his life.  What would he say to God's people with his farewell address?  Would he go out "in a blaze of glory" and call down fire upon the disobedient sinners?  Would he belittle their new king?  Would he remind them of his great and mighty acts of power and deliverance?  What would be his concern as he retrospectively analyzed his life of service to God and God's people?

"Here I am.  testify against me before the Lord and before His anointed.  Whose ox have I taken?  Oy whose donkey have I taken?  Or whom have I defrauded?  Whom have I oppressed?  Or from whose hand have I taken a bribe to blind my eyes with it?  Testify against me and I will restore it to you" (1 Samuel 12:3).

Would to God we actually had a few leaders in America who could end their terms in office with this statement.  No doubt some would try, and that even with a straight face!  But who among us citizens would take them seriously?

The 9th Circuit Court of Clowns has struck again.  (Seriously, California Legislature and citizens, please do your nation the favor of scrapping this whole court.  Wipe that slate clean and start anew.)  This time the Tyrants in black robes have rendered yet another foolish "judgment" (these justices are so morally relativistic one wonders if they can even use the word "judge" to describe what they do).  This time they have said the US Constitution gives Americans the right to be deceptive liars!

In a recent case, the 9th Circuit ruled that anyone can lie about military service and claim medals earned and awarded even if there is absolutely no basis for such claims in reality.  Read about it here:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38747876/ns/us_news

Having served as an Officer in the US Marine Corps, I can tell you I take great personal offense and displeasure in the lunacy of this ruling.  I recently decided it was "time" to display the medals awarded to me in what is commonly called a shadow box.  I placed the box on my den wall beneath my Dad's, who is a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War and obtained the `rank` of Sgt via a battlefield promotion.  A few years ago, I asked a friend with whom I served to ensure I had proper documentation available to justify each medal I have displayed in my shadow box.  I do not want anyone questioning whether I actually was awarded the medals in that box, not to mention if I ever wore them out in public. 

George Washingtonis on recrod saying: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." 

And again: "I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man."

Wonder what our 1st President and Commanding General of the Continental Army would think of some Enlightened California Judges ruling that our Nation's Founding document codifies the legal right of citizens to be brazen liars!

Oh wait, judges today do not care much what the actual Framers of the nation and its constitution thought or meant by what they wrote.  I mean, the Framers meant whatever the 9th Circus Court says they meant, right?  And clearly when writing the 1st Amendment, the Framers meant to secure the rights of citizens to use deception whenever it suits them.

Imagine a nation where you can no longer trust your neighbor's word.  Imagine a culture where you must verify in writing every business transaction because deception is rampant.  Imagine a nation where business leaders and government leaders and church leaders and school officials will lie to you at the drop of a hat.  Imagine an America devoid of "the most enviable of all titles."  Imagine a country with no honest men and women.  Imagine homes where children are encouraged to lie and where parents believe the word of their 8 year old over the word of adult teachers or pastors or family members.  Imagine a world where Christian parents lie to their children at Christmas, Easter and every time they lose a tooth but then later in life try to convince the children that lying violates God's law and ruins people and a society. 

Imagine America.  Imagine, America.  Imagine.

"You shall not bear false witness" (Exodus 20:16).

God forgive us.  "In wrath remember mercy."  We are a nation of codified rebels against Your character and Law.  Lord please grant to us more Samuels, for the glory and greatness of Your name.  Remind us liars of our drastic need for the Savior, Jesus, the One who said, "I am the truth."  Amen.

by Keith McWhorter