Before Posting to Social Media . . .

I've been listening every week for a few months now to podcasts from 9Marks and Capitol Hill Baptist Church.  They are a real blessing, especially in helping Pastors and Leaders think biblically about all things "church."  The most recent episode, for example, was titled "How to Leave Your Church Well."  Boy, is that ever needed in the church of America!  I'll probably have more to write on that topic in weeks ahead, but for now, I want to share some lessons from the podcast of several weeks ago.

Pastor Mark Dever, in a recent sermon, made application of a text by giving his listeners Twelve Questions to Ask Before Posting to Social Media.

  1. Will it edify?
  2. Will it be easily misunderstood?
  3. Will it reach the right audience?
  4. Will it help my evangelism?
  5. Will it bring about unnecessary controversy?
  6. Will it embarrass or offend?
  7. Will it convey care?
  8. Will it make people better appreciate someone else?
  9. Is it boasting or boastful?
  10. Is its tone appropriate?
  11. Is it wrong on this particular topic to say nothing?
  12. What do other spiritually mature people say or advise?

by Keith McWhorter