Death and "Name It, Claim It" Theology
Not many weeks ago, a man in our local area died. There is no need to call his name, as most believers in the Southeastern Indiana region will know about him already. He wrote a book. Though I have only read bits and pieces of the book, it was clear to me where he was headed with it. He began the book by speaking of a "more spiritual" way to read the Bible than all of us ignorant folk who just believe God says what He means and that God actually gave us an accurate history of His dealings with mankind and of the sending of His Son to save sinners.
In short, the man who died not long ago was a "Name It, Claim It" theologian. Now, this was not his only error. He also taught that Jesus is not going to return (come again) in the flesh. Remember, for him everything is "spiritual" as he defines the term. And, he is one of the few who really knows what "spiritual" means. Can you say ancient gnosticism repackaged?
But I digress. The point I wish to make in this post is that this man who taught people in this area that nothing harmful will happen to you if you have spiritual eyes and true faith . . . well, he died.
Now I am not rejoicing in his death. It saddens me especially since I am not at all sure where he is spending eternity. But, it must be pointed out that death is the ultimate proof of the fallacy of "Name It, Claim It" theology! Death is the ultimate expression and manifestation of being under the curse of God for sin.
God told Adam, "In the day you eat of it, you will surely die" (Gen 2:17).
"The soul who sins shall die" (Ezek 18:4).
"For the wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23).
You see, no amount of faith prevents the ultimate "harm" from coming to us. No, we are ALL under the curse of death because we are ALL sinners. Death is the ultimate "sickness" is it not? One can be healthy and wealthy all his days but when death comes a knockin' all that means squat (see Luke 16:19-31). I do not mean to be crass or disrespectful, but someone needs to start asking the obvious question:
Why has no "Name It, Claim It" theologian ever escaped death?
Shouldn't their faith have overcome this most poignant manifestation of sin's curse? They say true faith prevents any and all things harmful or unheatlhy or unprosperous from happening to us. But, "they" still die.
Friends, do not be fooled. True Christianity is lived in weakness and trembling, because that is when God shows off how strong He is (2 Cor 7:7-12). True Christianity knows that sin will bring about its certain consequence in us - death. True Christinaity knows that sin's ultimate consequence - death - does not have final say because Jesus the Lord smashed its skull with His perfect life, atoning death, and powerful resurrection from the grave (Col 2:8-15)! True Christianity longs for the resurrected body that is conformed to that of the Savior's (Rom 8:28-30; Phil 3:7-11; 1 John 3:1-3). True Christianity knows that because Jesus conquered sin and death, He can and will make good on His promise to raise up His followers, not just spiritually through the new birth, but literally one day (John 5:25-29; 1 Thess 4:16; Rev 20). One day those in Christ will die no more and have no more sickness or tears or pain (Rev 21). But that day is obviously not yet!
Why can no one "Name It and Claim It" when it comes to our arch enemy - death? Indeed, One did "Name It, Claim It" over death. Only One has ever demonstrated such powerful faith:
For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again (John 10:17-18).
Jesus is the Death Conqueror! He is the only One who ever demanded that death give up its grip on Him! He commanded death! Our faith had better be in Him, in what He has done, in who He is, and in what He will do, period. And whatever trust and faith we have in Him, all redounds to the praise of His glory and grace (Eph 2:8-10).
The arrogance of the "Name It, Claim It" doctrine is dealt a death blow by death itself.
To anyone flirting with this dangerous false teaching, I urge you to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and cry out for mercy to Jesus. When your faith has found its resting place in Him, and not in faith itself, then and only then will death lose its sting over you (1 Cor 15:54-57).
by Keith McWhorter