From Detroit to . . .
Oct 05, 2012
Keith McWhorter
filed in General
Our Sister Lori Beard is currently traveling. Received this "blog entry" from her which she obviously did on a phone and probably after only mildly recovering from this incident she describes. Enjoy!
Okay. Here's the thing...i left Louisville airport today with great excitement traveling to NC. Of course i was routed through Detroit MI. Because that makes so much sense. Well i am sitting on my plane in Louisville and we begin to taxi...picking up speed... when i feel the plane begin to turn. No cause for alarm till the pilot announces we have a small plane problem..we r going back...uh...back where.
Like we r backing up....well we go a few feet around and stop. I see no fixers. But lo and behold we start moving again...saying a quick prayer for God to forgive anything i have forgotten to repent of i close my eyes...grit my teeth and prepare to die..
Ugh...r we stopping again...really. another announcement...we have a problem that has caused me to return to the gate...i'm thinking i need to get off this plane and take a taxi...well. just then a baggage Guy walks up with crew luggage...they could not locate the pilots bags and had just found them....really. now i could stop here or move moving on. I arrived at Detroit with no time to spare...
I did not know this because i never look at a clock..i get off my plane...find out i need a7...look up and realize i am at what this means is that c has 38 Terminas i must get through prior to arriving at b...these terminals are separated by long hallways put there for the purpose of torturing women like me. But i track that round of c and hallway to arrive at b concourse..look up to see i am at b 38...really..38 ridiculous concourses to get to i begin...pant pant don't look at me funny skinny girl...pant pant..hey tall Guy can i borrow your legs...pant pant... one potato two potato. Pant pant ....i need a cheeseburger...pant pant oh my word Lori really...finally an A...a big fat A.. wait oh r u kidding me i have arrived at the escalators that take me to a concourse upstairs. Well at least i can stand still...don't look at me funny dude..i am old and big..i was beating people like u before u were arrive at the top. And there it is one of those football field hallways..i wish i had a football i would go long and break something...and then i see it ...A concourse.. finally Rest for the weary...hope for the hopeless...until.i see the number..a38...i have 25 concourses to go...99 bottles of coke on.the wall..pant pant...99 bottles of coke...pant pant..all the way to 82. And then.i saw It the promised land..the long awaited promise.. my concourse. Wait it is empty..wait wait wait for me...i run to the desk heaving and panting to.hear her made it in obviously i will need to drop my oxygen mask as soon as i sit down and i will require 2 peanuts and not 1....but i have arrived just in time. I fought the good fight...i finished the race and was rewarded with what had been.promised to me....i find this is true so often of me in my Christian life...panting...heaving...groaning...wondering if my.promises in Jesus r true...there will come a day when all his promises will be accomplished...until that day press on..persevere...the prize is worth the price... In Christ....your bone weary...out if breath...servant....Lori Beard
by Keith McWhorter