Give Thanks

During this week that we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, may I encourage parents to spend a few moments teaching your children of the history of the holiday.  This is easily accomplished via a Google search of the Plymouth Colony.  Quite `rank`ly, the Charlie Brown special aired a few nights ago is pretty good, too!

Most importantly, however, is to direct your own hearts and minds, and that of your family, to the greatness of Almighty God.  As you sit around your tables Thursday and fare sumptuously, pose these questions to your children:

  1. What do you have that you did not receive?  1 Cor 4:7
  2. What can you do without Christ?  John 15:5
  3. Why have you been able to hear and understand the gospel?  Matthew 13:10-17
  4. Why do American prison inmates have more religious freedoms than "free" citizens of China?  Daniel 4:28-37 

These "discussion starters" will go a long way towards cultivating a heart of gratitude in your family. 

One final recommendation: Consider reading David's Song of Thanks with your family this Thanksgiving, as it has been recorded in 1 Chronicles 16:7-36

You and I can never do better than to recite the very words of our God. 

Give thanks, O saints of God in Christ.  Give thanks, now and forever. 

"Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.  Blessed be the God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting!" (1 Chron 16:35-36)

by Keith McWhorter