Give Thanks

As I type this, I am sitting at a desk in my brother's home in Richmond, KY.  The window beside me reveals the rolling bluegrass countryside and several horses are feeding nearby.  A light drizzle is falling from the sky.  A warm cup of coffee spews its steamy aroma towards my nose.  I have a belly full of food from yesterday, as well as my bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats this morning.  I do not hear any bombs going off, no small arms fire, no artillery,no warplanes overhead.  My wife and children are safe and sound enjoying cousins and sisters and nephews and nieces.  Later today we will all link up to eat lunch with my mom, sister, brother-in-law and their children.

We Americans continue to be spoiled by God's goodness.  His kindnesses to us are immeasurable.  Even the most miserable among us is pretty well off compared to so much of the world.  And while I do not particularly like our current national leadership, nor approve of the direction our nation is headed, still here I sit in the lap of luxury enjoying a day of peace, quiet, rest and study in God's Holy Word.  I am so thankful.

But I suspect I am not thankful enough.

How could I be?

So, let me offer a simple prayer today:

O Lord, our God, our Help in Ages Past, today I come to You in and through the finished work of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus the Messiah.  I come to You today simply to say, "Thank You."  I thank You for the gift of eternal life in Jesus, and for sealing and guaranteeing that life to me by the indwelling presence of Your Holy Spirit.  I thank You that I am not in hell today; for that is precisely what I have earned before You.  I thank You Lord Jesus for taking my hell upon yourself on the Cross.  What a Savior You are!  Thank You, God, for the gift of my wife.  Her love for me shows off Your love; for she loves me with a determination that defies what I deserve.  Help me treasure her more, lead her more, and care for her more like You do, Lord Jesus.  Thank You for the gift of my two daughters.  Their beauty makes my heart flutter, and I am so happy in them.  Please keep their hearts in Your hands and make them women who delight in King Jesus above all.  Lord, thank You for placing me into a new family of brothers and sisters and sons and daughters.  I could live a thousand lifetimes and not do one thing to deserve to be the Pastor of Corydon Baptist Church.  It is all of Your grace, O sovereign God.  My joy in these precious people grows day by day.  Jesus, please be the Chief Shepherd of us all, so we can experience the fullness of joy that comes by abiding in You.  Use us as the family of God in Christ to show off Your glory in the Gospel.  May we never take one another for granted as we make our pilgrimmage here below.  Lord, thank You for pilgrims of the past, who traveled roads far rougher than ours, to ensure we could live in a place of Gospel Peace.  So many gave so much more than we.  We thank You for them, and praise Your holy name.  Lord, thank You for the Church of the world suffering greatly for Your sake.  Draw close to them and make Your name great among the nations through them.  Thank You, Lord for those sacrificing their comforts now for our political freedom.  Please bless them and give them courage in the battle.  O Lord, I could thank You for a million years and not scratch the surface of Your mercies.  They are indeed new every morning to me.  I love you, Lord.  I want to love You more.  I trust You Lord.  I want to trust You more.  Make me a grateful man, for the Fame of Jesus' Name, amen.           

by Keith McWhorter