Happy Birthday America!

As we celebrate Independence Day in America, I am so conflicted.

On one hand I love this country and appreciate our many freedoms.

On the other hand, I do not want to add my name to the long list of Christians who love America more than Christ and His eternal kingdom.  Nor am I interested in loving America more than the Church (which is where His kingdom is displayed right now).

On the one hand, I am proud of my military service (USMC 1995-2000).

On the other hand, I am not at all sure the military is a profession I would even be interested in if I was 18 years old today.  The moral decay and spineless generals and social experimentation are sure to eventually make our once mighty military a pathetic sham.

On the one hand, I still share so many of the values that the Founders of this Nation held dear - things like the right to life, equality before the law, free enterprise, free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, innocent until proven guilty, and so many more!

On the other hand, we have seen in the last 40 years every single American ideal under attack FROM WITHIN.  Our own government and elected representatives have failed us miserably.

Un-elected tyrants in black robes have stripped the unborn of their constitutional right to life.

The "free" press has abused that freedom and ensured that many in this nation cannot possibly receive a fair trial and equality before the law.  The press convicts people long before the courts ever do.

Free enterprise?  Ask the Christian owner of a business making T-shirts in Lexington, KY about that.  They were forced out of business simply because they did not want to print shirts for the Gay Pride parade.  Ask Chick-Fil-A about the state of free enterprise in America.  Hobby Lobby anyone?

Free exercise of religion?  Yea, sure, so long as it's not evangelical Christianity!

The right to bear arms?  Well, so far we've still got it, but we could not possibly use it in the way intended by the Founders.  The Founders thought it was important for citizens to be armed because there might come a day when those citizens need to overthrow their own tyrannical government.  That day seems to be coming quickly, but even us well-armed citizens could not possibly defend ourselves against our military or police today.  Did you see that manhunt in Boston?  Since when did police have armored personnel carriers with 50 cal machine guns mounted on them?  We're in deep trouble, America!

Well, I am not sure I am very hopeful for the future of America.  Some years ago, Brannon Howse (founder of Worldview Weekend) wrote in a book that "the culture war is lost."  I thought he was wrong about that back then.  But I am coming to believe he was right.  The culture war does seem to be lost.  This, of course, does not mean believers in Christ should not continue to engage in the political process so long as we still have the freedom and avenues to make our voices heard.

But what it does mean is that we must shift our thinking and see that the more important battle now is for the very heart and soul of the Church.  When the Church loses her salt, which is exactly what has been happening for decades, Jesus asked, "How then can it be made salty again?"

Rhetorical question, I presume.

O Church, arise on wings of God's sovereign grace once more!  Proclaim the whole counsel of God.  Stop playing games and building million dollar rock climbing walls and get back to the raw, sweaty work of making disciples who will turn right around and make more disciples even if they know they will be jailed, tortured and killed.

God help us.  Hear the pleas of Your people!  Save us for Your name's sake.  Even if You judge America and reduce her to shambles, keep building Your church and enabling her to storm the gates of hell, Bibles in hand and Word in hearts.

by Keith McWhorter