Hoosiers, Abolish Abortion!
Several months ago, a sister in Christ and pro-life leader whom I deeply love and respect made the comment that pro-life legislation in both Kentucky and Indiana has been and continues to definitely save the lives of pre-born babies. Since the overturn of Roe, the pro-life pregnancy centers she’s connected to have been seeing significant increases in clients, as well as increases in mothers choosing to give birth to their babies. For that reality we can only give all praise and glory to God, the Creator of Life!
But a few weeks later, I received a mailing from those same local pro-life pregnancy centers that communicated “the fact is abortion has only INCREASED since the overturn of Roe” (emphasis original). The written report went on to say abortions in 2023 increased 11% compared to 2020. And the 2023 numbers of babies slaughtered were the highest reported in the US in over a decade! Of course, telehealth chemical abortions (i.e., mail-order murder by kill pills) are a primary reason.
So, what gives? If pro-life legislation truly saves lives, then why aren’t the numbers reflecting it? No doubt my friend simply meant to point out that locally, laws protecting life make a difference. But, we’re fighting a national enemy and movement. Indeed, we’re fighting Satan and his demons, who are masters of co-opting the depraved sin nature of mankind (Eph 6:12-13; Jms 1:13-15; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 Jn 5:19).
Anyone who has spent any time reading my blogs over the last several years knows where I stand. I am an unashamed, unabashed abortion abolitionist. I believe abortion must be outlawed (like all other murders) and criminalized (like all other murders) if we ever want to truly put an end to it once for all. For those who claim this is a harsh position, I would simply reply that it is the biblical position. For those who use emotional straw-man arguments regarding “life of the mother” or “rape / incest” exceptions, I simply remind them that: a) Our medical system has always allowed doctors and mothers / dads to make these very difficult decisions in consult with one another when a life is truly at stake, and b) Killing a baby for a sin / crime committed by another person is very poor logic / reasoning, and is downright wrong.
For those arguing that most women who seek abortions are victims in some way, I would point them to various research (and disgusting TikTok and YouTube videos) refuting those claims, while also reminding them our legal system, while imperfect, is the envy of the world when it comes to sorting out actual culpability. Whether we evangelicals like it or not, abortion has always been and is now an extension of our obsession with birth control and lording it over every aspect of our own lives. It’s an evil to be abolished. Period.
Enter HB 1334, filed by State Rep. Lorissa Sweet in the House of Indiana, which seeks to abolish abortion in our great state! I want to urge my fellow Hoosiers, especially my fellow Christian Hoosiers, to urge your Representatives and Senators in Indy to support this bill. We have an opportunity I never thought possible in my lifetime – to outlaw infanticide in our State. Please, call, email, text, write letters, to urge your elected officials to get on board the life train. https://iga.in.gov/
I asked a trusted brother in our congregation to research this a bit for me before I began to write about it. He assured me the bill is worth supporting. The bill calls for language in the criminal code protecting life even in embryonic form. Intentionally harming or destroying embryos would be a crime! This would force the IVF industry to reform its ways. (And as an aside, this brother and myself are not anti-IVF, as we have personally witnessed this technology used in very intentionally pro-life ways). Do not be surprised, however, when so-called pro-lifers come out against this bill in force using misguided, emotionally manipulative arguments about “ending / banning IVF” and “shutting down IVF clinics.” IVF clinics that are haphazardly and intentionally trashing hundreds and thousands of babies made in God’s image frankly ought to be shut down. Or, they can reform their ways to conform to genuinely pro-life methods of helping married couples (by which I mean a husband and wife) struggling with infertility.
If this bill fails to pass, it will not be the leftists or liberal denominations or typical Marxist college professors that undo it. Sadly, it will be those who call themselves “conservative pro-life Christians” or even “evangelicals.” We are a divided camp because we’re not all equally committed to pure, biblical authority. Some in our camp seem to think we can outsmart God when it comes to good laws protecting life. Well, as Dr. Phil likes to ask, “How’s that been working for us?”
So, let’s pray for a miracle! Of unity among Hoosier pro-life politicians, citizens, pregnancy centers, nurses, doctors, IVF clinicians, pastors and congregations. God bring us together for the sake of life, for your glory in Jesus Christ, who is “the life” (John 14:6).
And while we’re at it, let’s pray for President Trump and his administration to abandon his current cowardly position that leaves this all up to each locality and state to decide. Relativism is never commendable, but especially not in the matter of murder.
O God Almighty, grant Indiana legislators the moral courage to do what is right in Your holy eyes, and leave the consequences in Your sovereign, good hands. For the sake of the gospel of everlasting life, by grace through faith in Jesus. And for the literal life and good of thousands and even millions of babies yet to be born in our State. Amen.
“Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be born may praise the Lord” (Psalm 102:18).
by Keith McWhorter