In Gratitude for Men
"I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one" (Ezekiel 22:30).
This verse was spoken into my ear on the occasion of my ordination into Gospel ministry by none other than my hero, Dad. He cited this verse, then urged me to never let it be said in my lifetime that God could not find a man to stand in the gap before Him. Turns out the same words were spoken to him on the day of his ordination by his Dad. So, that Divine message has passed through three generations of McWhorter men. [Since I have no sons, perhaps God will allow me to speak the words to a son-in-law one day?]
Father's Day. For many in America it is one of the saddest days. I'm forced to wonder if the day will even hold much significance at all in 25 years. If pollsters have it right, close to 45% of children are now born to single women. They will never know their dads at all, most likely. This is, in my mind, the clearest sign of the utter ruin and downfall of America. The state of fatherhood (more like fatherlessness) makes me deeply sad. This trend, if not reversed, will destroy us.
All week on the Today show, they have featured "Stay-at-Home Dads" who are taking on the role of Mom while Mom goes out to slay the dragons and earn the bread. And this we celebrate? Now, don't get me wrong, any man who will not change diapers, vacuum floors and feed toddlers is no man at all. But seriously, we think a total reversal of parental roles is worth celebrating? We're in deep confusion and trouble, friends.
Yet, I have the distinct honor to pastor men who are standing in the gap. I am so proud of them, or more correctly, proud of the Savior whom they love and serve.
I have seen men sacrifice higher paying jobs to be able to spend more time with their wives and children. The world would scoff at such decisions, but real men don't pander to the world.
I have seen men working insane hours to build their family a home with their own two hands. Exhausted, these men press on driven by a desire to live out God's primary calling for them to be providers by the sweat of their brows.
I have seen men lose jobs but still find ways to keep food on the table as they search diligently for new employment, all the while continuing to lead their homes spiritually.
I have heard men speaking of their family devotions and worship times. I have heard them talk about what Book of the Bible they are reading or studying through with their families.
I have seen men grow in real, accountable relationships with other Christian men.
I have seen and experienced personally a group of men growing more and more committed to praying for one another.
I have seen men make very difficult decisions which cost them friends (and sometimes they endure their church being bad-mouthed too, simply because of their decision) because they were convinced the decision was what was best for the safety and spiritual health of their families.
I have seen men give away their daughters in protective purity that honors Christ the Pure One.
I have seen men fight to protect women and children whom they have adopted (either literally or spiritually) as their own, becoming a father to the fatherless.
I have seen men rally to run off wolves that are posing a clear danger to the flock of God here at CBC.
I have seen men fighting harmful addictions or wrestling against sin in the power of God's Spirit and Word.
`rank`ly, I too often feel frustrated that more men are not revived in the church I serve. But today I want joy and gratitude to replace frustration as I reflect on the real men I get to serve week-in-week-out. They are growing as a band of brothers who are men of the Word. I'm happy to bleed, even if just a little, beside them.
Oh God, how I thank you for letting me see real men in action. What grace You have lavished on me to shepherd such warriors. Give me strength beyond measure to lead these men and their families well. Give me an anointing to teach them the Word with the power of Your Holy Spirit. May Your tribe of men increase here under the Headship of the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. My heart is full God. My cup runneth over. I thank You. Amen.
by Keith McWhorter