Jane Roe - A Real Hero
Jane Roe was not her real name. That's just the name the feminists gave her when they hijacked her life and her story to foist abortion on America. They called her Jane Roe (Roe v Wade). But as Pastor Jim Garlow recently quipped:
History will remember her as "Jane Roe." But eternity will forever know her as Norma McCorvey, a child of God.
While Norma lived the first half of her life as a pro-abortion advocate, she gave the last half of her life to the pro-life cause. And even better, she gave the last half of her life to the Lord Jesus Christ. God used Pastor Flip Benham (yes, the Benham brothers' Dad) to lead her to faith in Christ. Flip befriended her with love, and began pouring the gospel into her life. She was stunned. She had been told pro-lifers were mean and hateful. By the grace of God, love won out in Norma's life!
In the summer of 1995, Norma repented of her sins and trusted in Jesus as Savior of her broken life. Not only was her identity "stolen" by the abortion lobby, she also was essentially forced into giving her baby up for adoption. (Ironic, isn't it, that she never even had an abortion?) But the blood of Jesus can wash the vilest sins from the worst of sinners! Norma McCorvey was living proof. Upon learning of her repentance and faith in Christ, Metroplex Chapel in Euless, TX, embraced her with the loving arms of Jesus. Pastor Garlow describes it well:
Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of the infamous Roe v. Wade case had not only experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus. She had now experienced the love and forgiveness of the body of Christ—the church.
And that's as it should be!
Recently, one of the Pastors I am privileged to serve with here preached from Ephesians 2. He spoke of our past, present and future. And he noted that while past sins may be forgiven, our actual actions in the past simply cannot be changed. But when the saving grace of God in Christ sweeps into our lives, our present and future are altered radically! We receive a new history. His story becomes our story. We are wrapped up in Christ Jesus. Seated with Him in the heavenly places. Destined for an eternity of giving Him glory. With all of the redeemed people of God in Christ.
Norma - Jane Roe - is now experiencing the glorious eternal future ordained by God for those He saves. Norma passed from death into life February 18, 2017, at age 69. She is now and forever a trophy of God's amazing grace.
If you or someone close to you is suffering from the after effects of an abortion, or if you are pregnant and need help, please contact Choices Life Resource Center: http://choiceslrc.org/
For more detail on Norma's life, visit http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/63139-norma-mccorvey-s-first-church-experience-as-a-believer.
by Keith McWhorter