Lessons Learned in 2015
Jan 08, 2016
Lori Beard
filed in Christian Living
Well, there have been so many. And then, I fear, there is so much I have not learned yet. And I say fear because the older I get, the harder the lessons get to learn. Thank God for grace.
So much of what I learned this year is tied to how I eat or have eaten, and the consequences of those choices. I have discovered that gluttony is a poor task master and a sin that deceives us right into sickness and sadness. I have also discovered that God is faithful and his grace is sufficient for me and my sin and all my consequences. Hopefully, I will post some knowledge that will help you as you think about honoring God in how you eat.
Things I learned:
1. Food affects us all. We all care about it.
2. Food is an act of grace. We do not deserve it. We also are not entitled to the best tasting food or good food at all.
3. Most of us think we cannot go a day without food but think very little of going a day without the bible or prayer (me ).
4. Eating too much food causes your knees and hips to carry too much weight. This does not affect you in your 20's and 30's but destroys your mobility in your 50's.
5. Eating too much junk causes your pancreas to work super hard and wears it out. This does not affect you in your 20's and 30's but causes diabetes in your 50's.
6. Losing mobility causes you to be unable to exercise.
7. Losing mobility and developing diabetes scares your family and creates a burden for them that you never dreamed would happen.
8. Being a burden to your family makes you feel hopeless and scared and useless.
Well, there you have it. I learned some scary stuff this year. Wish I would have learned it in my 20's and 30's. Oh wait I would not have learned it. But you, you have no excuse. You know now. If you are struggling with gluttony, get help. Get help. Your body will protest. God will discipline you if you belong to him and discipline is painful. Really, really painful. I am thankful because I learned some other things this year too.
1. I learned that God loves me in my obesity and my mess.
2. I learned that his grace is really sufficient for my sin and he really has cleansed me and SET ME FREE.
3. I learned that I have sisters who will stand by me through the ugly and not love me less.
4. I learned that my family is solid. They are real and true and my dearest allies in this fight.
5. I learned that I love Jesus more than my sin.
6. I learned that He is my hope and my life. I learned that food has nothing to offer me that is better than Jesus.
7. I learned the power of real repentance and turning from my sin.
I am looking forward not behind. I am straining and cannot wait to see the results of freedom in this part of my life. I have learned a lot. I have hurt a lot. I have grown a lot. I have cried a lot. I have laughed a lot. I have praised a lot. I will live a lot. I love Jesus more than ever in my life. He has faithfully held me and did not let go when I was so faithless. Praise God for a new year to honor Him.