Life Reaches Land
On page 344 of Science Explorer, Pearson Prentice Hall, an 8th Grade textbook used in our local middle school, we read a section titled "Life Reaches Land."
"Until the Silurian Period, only one-celled organisms lived on land. But during the Silurian Period, plants became abundant . These first, simpe plants grew low to the ground in damp areas. By the Devonian Period (dih VOH nee un), plants that could grow in drier areas had evolved. Among these plants were the earliest ferns. The first insects also appeared during the Silurian Period.
Both invertebrates and vertebrates lived in the Devonian seas. Even though the invertebrates were more numerous, the Devonian Period is often called the Age of Fishes. Every main group of fishes was present in the oceans at this time. Most fishes now had jaws, bony skeletons, and scales on their bodies . . . Sharks appeared in the late Devonian Period.
During the Devonian Period, animals began to invade the land. The first vertebrates to crawl onto land were lungfish with strong, muscular fins. The first amphibians evolved from these lung fish." [emphasis original]
Now dear Christian parents, realize this is what is discipling your children. The textbooks do the discipling, along with the curricula. Your children will, if they remain in public schools, spend 14,000 seat hours in their illustrious K-12 career. Fourteen thousand hours! Soak it in.
And what, pray tell, will they be learning? [Go read the above quote again, slowly.]
This whole section "Life Reaches Land" has not one factual statement in it, nor is any assertion supported by genuine, scientific evidence. It is mere speculation, guesswork, framed by those whose view of history is unbiblical and godless.
But it's all written in this 8th grade textbook so matter-of-factly. I mean, what 13-year old is going to question what these science experts have written? Why, they write as if they were actually there, watching this all unfold in the supposed Silurian and Devonian Periods!
In these three short paragraphs, students were taught not only a fictitious timetable of earth's history, but were also taught that plants evolved (meaning one kind of plant transformed into a totally new kind of plant), and lungfish turned into frogs. Evidence? Transitional fossils? Don't bother asking . . . they don't exist.
More tragically, students were just taught that WE ALL CAME FROM A LUNGFISH. And that fish came from pond scum.
Friends, our public schools are bastions of pagan religion and godless worldviews. Christian teachers in this system are, some of them, fighting hard for the right. But, there is no denying the system is godless and will not change. Many in the church wish folks like me would stop "picking" on public schools, but I love your children too much to stop exposing the demonic lies being pumped into their brains (and hearts?) for hours on end each day.
It is time to reclaim family discipleship for God's glory and the raising up of godly offspring. We dare not forget our Master's words:
The student is not above his teacher; but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher (Luke 6:40).
God help us. Our children are being swallowed up in a sea of godlessness. Sound the alarm! Blow the trumpet! Warn the people of God to stop giving to Caesar what clearly belongs to God! "Children are a heritage from the Lord" (Psalm 127). So, why then do 90% of us keep turning them over to the state to be discipled?
And for those of you who think I have no bones to pick with homeschoolers, stay tuned . . .
by Keith McWhorter