My Favorite SuperHero
I did something totally out of the ordinary yesterday - I went to an actual theater to see an actual movie. To be exact, my awesome wife planned a special lunch date for me yesterday followed by a matinee. She took me to see Captain America.
Captain America is the first Superhero I remember as a young boy. The first coloring books I remember were Captain America. I used to love getting the red, white and blue colors placed precisely on his uniform and shield.
Born out of World War II, Captain America represented sacrifical service to one's nation. Unlike more modern Superhero's, Captain America seemed to stand for all that was right and good and wholesome. I don't think we'll ever see a movie titled Captain America: The Dark Years.
And on this account, the move did not disappoint. Now, I am no movie reviewer, so I'll spare you the details of the flic. What I found very interesting, however, is how at the end of the movie (yes I'm about to give it away), Captain America woke up in the 21st century. (He was frozen since WWII under polar ice - go see the movie to make sense of it all.)
Doubtless, this lets us know there will be a sequel. But, awaking Captain America for the current generation was also highly symbolic. I don't know if you've noticed, but we Americans could really use a hero right about now! We need a rescuer.
Friends, we need a Superhero who can rescue us from ourselves. We are self-destructing - morally and financially and politically and spiritually. Like Rome of old, we are rotting from the inside out. A healthy dose of the self-sacrifice Captain America represents would do us well.
But, as much as I like Captain America, not even he's up to the task before us in 2011. What we need, especially and particularly in the Church, is a "Pre-Jericho Experience."
When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold, a man was standing before him with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our enemies?" And he said, "No, but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshipped and said to him, "What does my Lord say to his servant?" And the commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so (Josh 5:13-15).
While we could debate the identity of this "Captain of the Lord's Army," there is really not much need, is there? Joshua worshipped Him and the Captain accepted his worship. That rules out angels and mere mortal men. And, the words the Captain spoke to Joshua were almost identical to the words of Almighty God spoken to Moses from the burning bush. And, Joshua responded with worshipful submission and an eagerness to obey, much like Paul on Damascus Road, "Lord, what would you have me do?"
Here's the Superhero we need - The Captain of the Lord's Army. His Name is Jesus. He is a Warrior par excellence who fights for His people by laying down His life for them, and then taking His life up again to vindicate His name and secure their right standing before Holy God (John 10:14-18; Rom 1:1-4; 4: 24-25).
Only Captain Jesus will suffice to rescue us self-indulgent, disobedient Americans. Are you crying out to Him to rescue you from your sin and filth? Are you crying out to Him to rescue your children from materialism and secular humanism? Are you crying out to Him to revive His people and His work in this adulterous age? Are you crying out to Him to enthrone Himself on your heart and kick out all other competitors for your affections?
What captain(s) are you proclaiming to your children? Your co-workers? Your neighbors? Your enemies?
There is only one Captain, one Rescuer, worth giving up everything to gain. "Come Lord Jesus! Amen" (Rev 22:20).
by Keith McWhorter