No Need to Ask, They're Bold To Tell

Top story on the evening news tonight (NBC) was the inevitable repeal of the so-called "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (DADT) policy for our military.  That policy states, in essence and to my understanding, two things:

  1. That the sexuality of military members should not be investigated without good reason.
  2. So long as military members do not openly flaunt their homosexuality, they will not be forced out of the service.  

I was in the Marine Corps when DADT became law.  To be honest, I thought it was an inherently flawed policy to begin with, and upon reflection now, I believe it was intentionally flawed by its framers.  DADT essentially made it legal to be participating in homosexual activity while in the military, so long as it all stayed "in the closet."  The policy gave tacit approval to the gay and lesbian lifestyle.  After all, if the activity is harmful to the military, then it should not be permitted, period.  What does the activity's openness or hiddenness matter? 

Either homosexuality is harmful or it's not.  Either it's immoral or it's not.

So, hindsight being what it is, it now seems obvious that DADT was merely a precursor to its own repeal.  It "softened hearts and minds," to use military jargon, to the idea of homosexuality not being such a big deal after all.  I mean, we all knew there were practicing homosexuals serving in our `rank`s "out there somewhere."  It didn't seem to bother many people, which is precisely what DADT was designed to do - make it all seem so harmless.  

A report from the Pentagon released recently supports the repeal of DADT.  The curtain of secrecy will now be removed when it comes to military members' sexual lifestyles and choices.  I guess compared to DADT, the "open policy" is worse, but we've been on this slippery slope for decades now, haven't we?

Even if we did not have a word from God in this matter, the utter lack of logic underlying the arguments for repealing DADT is perplexing.  The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), to my knowledge, still lists adultery as a punishable crime

So let me get this straight (pun intended), a Marine can receive stiff punishment, including forced removal from the service, for having sex with a woman who is not his wife; but if he has sex with a man, all is well. 

What if a Marine commits adultery against his wife with a man?  Is it still adultery?  Or is it now OK because it was a homosexual relation? 

Friends, moral relativism / insanity is not pretty.  It leads to even more insanity.  If we think gay/lesbian sex is not immoral now for military members, and is not at all detrimental to military order, discipline and morale, then why do we think adultery is immoral and harmful?  Why do we draw any lines at all?  Why not allow our military men and women to live in any way they so choose?  Why bother recruiting young men of character?  What is character anyway, except some cultural construction? 

The Nazis of WWII Germany said they were recruiting and training young men of character, too, you know!

When polled a majority of military members said they supported the repeal of DADT.  Our military is a micro-cosm of our relativistic culture, so no surprises there.  These young troops are products of the governmental educational machine, which continues to `rank` out secular humanists and ethical relativists as fast as it can go. 

Oddly enough, however, a majority of those Army and Marine troops currently in Afghanistan favored keeping DADT in place!  It seems when the bullets start flying, character and morality still matter.  Relativism simply does not work in the real world, and it can never be held consistently by anyone with a modicum of common sense. 

America - welcome to this new world.  Do you feel safer now that men who want to be women are defending you?  Do the spineless Pentagon Generals who lead our troops inspire you?  In the Bible, it is a sign of God's judgment when women are fighting wars for Israel.  I wonder what it is a sign of when men who behave sexually as women are fighting our wars? 

Christian soliders, airmen, sailors, Marines and coastguardsmen, you had better rise up quickly against this groundswell of spitting in God's face!  Remind yourselves that the Lord pronounces condemnation not only on those who choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, but also on "them who give approval to those who practice them" (Romans 1:32).  Rise up and make your voices heard to your cowardly leaders.  Your first loyalty is to King Jesus, the Captain of the Lord's Army!  Rise up like Jesus and tell lost sinners of every ilk, that "unless you repent you will all likewise die" (Luke 13:3).

It is not my intent to pick on those who are living in the bondage of homosexual sin, or be mean-spirited.  It is because I love all people that I must proclaim God's truth which can set them free.  But friends, I (and those who love and treasure Christ and His Word above all) did not pick this fight.  This fight has been brought to us by politicians, special interest groups, and PC leaders intent on ruining our nation.  If you think I am being overly-dramatic, read your Bibles.  Nations that systematically promote and flaunt sin do not escape God's wrath.

No sin is truly hidden, for our God sees all (Heb 4:13).  And no sin is neutral or harmless.  Sin ruins the sinner, and will also take down entire nations. 

America, we stand on the precipice of becoming a full-fledged nation that "rages against God and His Christ" (Psalm 2:2).  That never ends well - "You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Psalm 2:9).

Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen who claim the Name of Christ, don't say you were not warned.

by Keith McWhorter