Of Drafts, Bathrooms, the UFC and Feminism
Recently 1.5 million people signed a boycott of Target when it became public knowledge that the retail chain's bathroom policy is essentially "anything goes."
I signed it. I encouraged others to do likewise. But is this over-reacting? Is the right of a citizen to use whatever bathroom or locker room he or she feels like using really worth making such a fuss over?
Well, only if you believe women and children are worth protecting. Only if you believe God created men to protect women and children at all costs. Only if you believe absolute truth exists and allowing a person to live in some kind of "alternate reality" (i.e., a lie) is actually not a loving, kind and commendable thing to do. Only if you believe relativism leads to utter chaos and lawlessness in a society.
So, yeah, count me in as one of those who thinks this is a war worth fighting!
Some of us weirdo Bible-believing, Christ-exalting preachers actually predicted this very kind of thing after the SCOTUS put themselves in the place of God and redefined marriage. Once that floodgate was down, look out America! We have not seen anything yet.
And so already we are seeing absurd "laws" passed in states allowing a man with male genitalia to freely expose himself to my daughters in a public restroom! Sexual predators are notoriously crafty and are 98% male. Are we actually insane enough to think this will in no way backfire? And, the reverse is also true. A woman with female genitalia can now walk in and watch me urinate, and expose herself to me and any other men in that locker room or restroom. Do we really need PhD scientists to tell us this might not be wise? Are we living in that much denial about basic human nature?
Already we are seeing Congress begin to push for forcing our daughters to register with the selective service. I suspect if this ever passes, assuming they do not offer a "conscientious objector clause," I and many other Christian men will find ourselves on the wrong side of the law. They may need bigger jails, or they may need to be prepared to draft all us 40-something Dads who will go fight in our daughters' places! Funny, I just read Judges 4-5 with my daughters this morning where we noted God mocks Balak for being such a coward that he insisted a woman go into battle with him. But this is where a misunderstanding of true "equality" lands us.
We have become a society that wildly celebrates women bashing one another's faces to bloody bits. I'm not even sure we should celebrate men doing this, much less make a cultural icon out of Ronda Rousy. But I guess Ronda is old hat now, since she was defeated by "The Preacher's Daughter" Holly Holm. And her pastor Dad was in the ring with her celebrating her violent victory over a fellow bearer of God's holy image. If the church has so lost its way in the matter of true womanhood, America is hopeless.
And let's not forget that Fallon Fox, a biological man who self-identifies as a woman, recently was allowed to enter the cage to fight a biological woman (who happened to be an outspoken lesbian) named Tamikka Brents. In less than 3 minutes, Fox fractured Brents' orbital, gave her multiple concussions, and probably ended her career as a fighter. One blogger / commentator hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “On Saturday September 13, 2014 in a ‘cage’ in the Springfield, Illinois Convention Center, a crowd gathered to watch something that happens thousands of times a day worldwide: a man battered a woman” (https://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/fallon-fox-why-hormones-dont-make-a-woman/).
Turns out feminism just cannot seem to get the "man" out of men, no matter how hard it tries. This is all a sickening project, America. Please wake up from your relativistic slumber! If science was supposed to save us from ourselves, it's failing miserably! Interesting, isn't it, how we place so much faith in "science" in matters that are actually not even observable (such as the origins of life and age of the earth), and yet reject clear, observable science in other matters (such as biological maleness and femaleness).
God save us! For only You can! Help us point all people to the God-man, the Man of all men, Christ Jesus. Jesus took the wrath reserved for us due to our insistence on being our own gods, due to our insistence on defining ourselves however we want. That's what happened on the cross for all whom God would call to Himself and who would therefore call out to Him for redeeming mercy! Is there hope for men, women, boys, girls, even those who are totally confused about who and what they are?
Yes! His name is Jesus. In Him, women find their true identity as women, and men find their true identity as men. Want to read some amazing stories of the life transforming power of Jesus, even among the LGBT community? Check out Brooklyn Tabernacle. (www.brooklyntabernacle.org).
by Keith McWhorter