Packer on Evangelism

Now that we have spent several weeks examining the basic gospel message, I thought a quote from J. I. Packer's classic Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (IVP, England, 1961) was in order.  From page 101:

Evangelism, we have learned, is a task appointed to God's people everywhere.  It is the task of communicating a message from the Creator to rebel mankind.  The message begins with information and ends with an invitation.  The information concerns God's work of making His Son a perfect Savior for sinners.  The invitation is God's summons to mankind generally to come to the Savior and find life.  God commands all men everywhere to repent, and promises forgiveness and restoration to all who do.  The Christian is sent into the world as God's herald and Christ's ambassador, to broadcast this message as widely as he can. 

Amen, brother Packer.  Preach on!  And, let us not forget, the very first place God calls us to publish this blessed message is in our own homes, to our own children.  Seize every conceivable opportunity of every day to reinforce the gospel in your homes, and may God give us grace to live it out with our children day-by-day. 

Soli Deo Gloria!

by Keith McWhorter