Playing God

Well, I guess it's official.  According to an article in the Baptist Press paper by Tom Strode, "Human cloning apparently has arrived."  Some scientists in Oregon (big surprise, right?) report that they cloned human embryos.  Their purpose was to produce stem cells.  So, after only a few days of life, these scientists-turned-murderers "extracted" the stem cells.

In other words, they killed those human babies they had just made.

Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde are alive and well among us!  It sounds so innocent to say we want to "clone" human "embryos" to "harvest" their stem cells in order to maybe (and as of now it's a BIG maybe) preserve the lives of older humans.  Dr. Richard Land, however, sheds light on what really happened in Oregon:

"What these researchers are doing is creating a cloned human being in order to destroy that human being to harvest its stem cells for the benefit of older and bigger human beings.  There are words for such activity - barbaric and uncivilized."

Amen.  That's clear thinking and straight talk.  Wonder if the media will now embark on a nationwide anti-bullying campaign to protect the most innocent victims of this crime - human embryos?  I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.

And do we really think this is where it will all end?  Just cloning to harvest stem cells?  Give depraved humanity an inch, and depraved humanity will take the proverbial mile every time!  And you professors want me to believe we are evolving and getting better as a human race?  LOL

Friends, this is playing God to the nth degree.  But you see, that's all we humans will ever really be able to do - just "play" God.  We shall never be God, no matter how highly we may think of our over-educated, enlightened, politically correct, tolerant selves.  We cannot speak something out of nothing.  We can only play with the materials God created in the beginning.

"God, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence that which does not exist" (Romans 4:17).

Our only hope has always been and shall ever be to be given the life of God.  The hope of these scientists is not in further research advancements.  Their research celebrates death because that's how dead people behave.  Their hope is for their dead souls to be given life by God's sovereign grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10).

Pray for them, O Christian.  Preach to them, O Christian.  Weep for them, O Christian.  O Church Arise! 

by Keith McWhorter