Pray For The Supreme Court!
“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Tim 2:1-2).
The “leaked” document published by Politico pertaining to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade is a stunning development. Add the highest court of our land to the ever-growing list of institutions that have proven to be infiltrated with untrustworthy snitches who care more about themselves and their personal agendas than the higher good or the overall integrity of the institution or offices themselves. Whatever we might think about this “leak,” one thing is clear to us all – it was done for personal political motives.
Now we wait to see how it all plays out. Will it backfire? Will it accomplish what the leaker intended? Regardless, we can be sure that “The counsel of the Lord stands forever” (Ps 33:11).
Whether or not Roe is overturned by the Supreme Court (final decision coming in a month or so), it is all but certain infanticide will not cease in our depraved nation. It might be a political or constitutional victory to return the authority to the states in this matter, but until our citizens embrace the truth that no state ever has any right or authority to sin against God, we born-again believers in Christ must not give up the fight! There can never be a “right” to murder babies. There is never a “right” to worship and idolize self to the point that an unborn child is viewed as such a distraction to my life that I poison the child or allow the child’s brain to be punctured with scissors or permit the baby to be sawn in two. So, until all abortion is illegal in every state, in the entire nation, yea, in the world, we must not rest. Abortion must be abolished! In the Name of Jesus, we must insist it be abolished!
This is a war we fight on our knees, dear saints. Let’s pray! Pray for the Supreme Court. Pray for the courts all over our nation. Pray for legislators and governors. Pray for the hearts of citizens. Pray for pregnant moms all over our land. Pray for pro-life pregnancy centers. Pray for gospel-driven sidewalk counseling ministries that stand outside baby slaughter houses every weekend. Pray!
Then consider how you might engage personally. Do you know how you can serve a local pro-life pregnancy center? Will you get trained for sidewalk prayers and counseling? Will you love a pregnant mom enough to take her to a pro-life pregnancy center to get her help? Will you adopt a baby? Will you invest in young men who know nothing but fatherlessness? Will you help mobilize your local churches to more fully engage in this most critical war of our culture? Will you sign petitions? Will you call and write and email elected officials? Will you share the gospel of Jesus with dads, moms and children all around you? Will you pray? Will you give? Will you engage?
Dear Christian, you by grace have come to know the Lord Jesus, the very One who “has life in Himself” (John 5:26). Stop holding back! Unleash the powerful gospel upon your neighbors and friends and co-workers and peers at school. Urge them to repent of sin, including abortion or support of it, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Legalized abortion is the clearest sign of a pagan Nation who hates God and rages against His Messiah (Psalm 2). Abortion seeks to eradicate the precious image of God. Abortion disobeys the very first command of God to mankind to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Politics matter, but they’re not ultimate. Sin has only one lasting solution. His name is Jesus.
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by Keith McWhorter