Leaving a Church Well (Post #3)

Earl Blackburn's little workbook Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You is worthy of every church member reading and working through. I could see great benefit to small groups studying this material together, as well as incorporating some of it into a membership class.

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Leaving a Church Well (Post #2)

Last post, we heard good reasons someone might leave a local church. These were taken from Earl Blackburn's book Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You.

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Leaving a Church Well (Post #1)

While it might seem odd for a Pastor to write a blog titled "Leaving a Church Well," I for one think the subject has been ignored long enough! Sadly, I have seen too many members (now former members) of the church I pastor leave poorly. Even those who have said they were trying to leave the right way seemed to have butchered it somehow. It's saddening and sometimes maddening.

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A decade or more ago, I swore I would never read another book on leadership. As an undergraduate I readsomany I thought my head would explode. Then, as an Officer in the Marine Corps I read even more to the point of insanity! I was sick of reading about it. I just wanted to do it. So I swore off leadership books.

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Before Posting to Social Media . . .

I've been listening every week for a few months now to podcasts from 9Marks and Capitol Hill Baptist Church. They are a real blessing, especially in helping Pastors and Leaders think biblically about all things "church." The most recent episode, for example, was titled "How to Leave Your Church Well." Boy, is that ever needed in the church of America! I'll probably have more to write on that topic in weeks ahead, but for now, I want to share some lessons from the podcast of several weeks ago.

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The Grandness of Grandparenting

Now this is the commandment, the statutes and judgments which the Lord your God has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them . . . that you may fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged (Deuteronomy 6:1-2).

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Ten Years of Gospel Unity!

On Sunday, March 12th, 2017 we (Corydon Baptist Church) celebrated our 10th Anniversary! The history of CBC is unique. In 1994, First Baptist Church of Corydon had an ugly split that resulted in a group leaving and forming Cross of Calvary Baptist Church. But in 2007, by a mighty act of God's grace and power, those two churches reunified under the banner of Corydon Baptist Church! We pray that our unique history will become commonplace, as churches that were once at odds lay down their offenses at the Cross and unite for the sake of God's glory in the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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Jane Roe - A Real Hero

Jane Roe was not her real name. That's just the name the feminists gave her when they hijacked her life and her story to foist abortion on America. They called her Jane Roe (Roe v Wade). But as Pastor Jim Garlow recently quipped:

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If That Isn't Love

February. The month for lovers.

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When Pro-Lifers are Only Mostly Pro-life

"Abortion Stops a Beating Heart!"

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