The Christian Chicken is . . . Chicken?

By now the dust is somewhat settling on Chick-Fil-A's decision to stop donating to the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This was, apparently, due to certain corporate leaders' desire to pander more to the PC demographic regarding so-called Gay Marriage. This is no longer Truett Cathy's Chick-Fil-A.

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Pastor Appreciation Month is Not Working!

Yes, it feels really weird to be writing this blog post.

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I Knew a Preacher Once

I knew a Preacher once
Who was called of the Lord
To stand in a pulpit
And open up the Word

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Comparison - The Root of Many Sins

Recently, I was standing in the check out line at Walmart on a Sunday right after church (I know, I know....really). But here I was. And in front of me were two ladies practicing great patience and kindness with the cashier who was not really happy to be there. They had clearly just left church too. They were dressed in flowered skirts to their knees and their hair was neat as a pin. I immediately thought of a much younger; much more arrogant me.

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Back to School: Parents Beware!

Christians often ask the wrong questions.

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Public Schools = Pastor's Nuisance

State run public education has been on my "do not approve" list for the last 15 years or so. While I love the public school teachers in our evangelical churches, and pray for them as they are hand-cuffed by godless curricula and administrations, I stand by my general disapproval of the system itself.

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The Dignity of Home-Making

My wife and I have two amazing daughters. Raising them has been a deeper joy and a more difficult challenge than we ever anticipated. It has kept us humble and prayerful, seeking God's grace in Christ.

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Responding to Revoice

Last year a conference was held in St. Louis called "Revoice." Although I have not listened to any of the sermons or speeches given at the conference, I studied up on it enough to know it was not a conference I would personally endorse or attend. Several speakers at this conference are advocating for the acceptance of labels such as "Gay Christian." Sexual desires and behaviors that God condemns in His Word are also being endorsed and called "not evil." Christians who truly embrace the Inerrancy of the Bible simply cannot give approval to Revoice.

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The Pro-Abortion Consistency

Earlier this week, the US Senate was unable to pass straight-forward legislation that would have ensured any babies born alive during abortion attempts receive standard medical care. Every Democrat except three voted "no."

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Vocabulary of Divorce

Preaching through James is proving to be a deeply convicting labor. Over the last two Sundays, we have delved into the sin of partiality, as James tackles it in Chapter Two, verses One Through Thirteen. Though he applies it directly to economic status (rich or poor), we had to explore ways in which we may knowingly or unknowingly commit this same sin in our church today. While I hope I supplied enough examples and illustrations to help my listeners examine their hearts, I want to now add another category of people that I think we often treat with partiality in churches today:

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