Blow the

Well, the most disgusting presidential campaign in my voting lifetime is over. For that I thank God. Let's take a really big breath. In through the nose. Hold it. Out through the mouth. There. Feel better?

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Creating Babies, But at What Cost?

According to several news outlets, the world's first "healthy" baby has been born as a result of a new procedure that uses DNA from three people. Read more here:

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If You Can Keep It

Back in the summer of 1787, on the narrow streets of Philadelphia in what is now called Independence Hall, god-fearing men were sequestered for 100 days in the hot summer sun. Laboring. Debating. And finally, in the end and only by the miraculous grace of God, crafting the US Constitution.

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And the Home of the Brave?

Quite a stir in the NFL right now. Players and entire teams are now trying to make political statements during the playing of the National Anthem. And, as expected, since kids all over America look up to those spoiled-rotten, millionaire boys-in-men's bodies, the "kneel down" protest has spread to middle and high schools. It's all enough to to make this US Marine Corps Veteran want to strap an M-16 to their backs and drop them all in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan so they can experience what it takes to provide such immense freedom that even enables them to protest while uniformed men and women hold the flag right in front of them in stadiums, standing at attention and saluting from the first note to the last.

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So, This is Science?

In the recent edition (Summer 2016) of Vanderbilt magazine, there's an article titled "Dim Chance." It briefly details how a PhD Student at Vanderbilt debunked some claims of researchers at Penn State and LSU regarding KIC 8462852. Oh, that's "Tabby's star" for all you astrology nuts.

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Phil. 4:12 I have learned the secret of being content in everything.
Come on Paul. Tell me the secret. Yell that secret to working mommas who yearn to be home. Tell it to stay at home moms who yearn to get away from their kid. What is the secret? What did you learn? How about wives who are married to Christian fellas and are loved but not loved quite like the lady married to so and so. Their man does not do date night, he does not say sweet things. Can you teach contentment, Paul, to the ones who are living life so fast that there is no time to breathe? Bible time? Ha! Prayer time? Ha! Fellowship? Ha! Always gotta go and be doing. More sports, more shows, more stuff. More this and that, but no contentment. Paul, were you really content in money and stuff? Did you really learn to be okay with little and with less? Can you teach that to me? Because I often think I have to have more. I am like the more monster. Some is never enough. Cliff works overtime and we miss him BUT the overtime is good because regular pay is never enough. Well, what is the secret? I clearly need to know. We clearly need to know, because we are drowning in discontentment. So how do we "learn" contentment? Well, I go to the same source I have gone to for years - my Bible. The sweetest source of truth ever. So, what does the Bible say?

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Constructive Criticism (Part III)

In the previous two posts, we've been trying to wrap our heads around the concept of genuinely constructive criticism. We looked to Old Man Webster to provide some basic definitions. But most importantly, we have looked to Jesus to teach us how to help our brothers and sisters struggle hard against sin for the glory of God.

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Constructive Criticism (Part II)

Do all things without grumbling and disputing (Phil 2:14).

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Constructive Criticism? (Part 1)

Constructive criticism.

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