From Fear to Fear

Fear is an often misunderstood emotion and concept among Christians.

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Be Fruitless and Subtract?

The very first command God gave humanity was, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" (Gen 1:28). This command is the reason I believe the Fall of Adam and Eve into sin in Genesis 3 happened very quickly after they were created. Maybe no more than a day or two. For surely in their state of Purity, they would have delighted in obeying God's first command! But no children are mentioned until after the Fall.

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Lessons Learned in 2015

Well, there have been so many. And then, I fear, there is so much I have not learned yet. And I say fear because the older I get, the harder the lessons get to learn. Thank God for grace.

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Star Wars - Episode VII

Just went to see the latest Star Wars installment yesterday. Really enjoyed it. It picked up on the themes of the "real" Star Wars of my childhood in the 70s and 80s. Hans Solo and Chewie and Leia returned! What's not to love? I really struggled to enjoy the three "back story" episodes. Seemed somewhat disconnected and truthfully I didn't think any of those three lived up to the "original" three (which for me is Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Return of the Jedi). But this most recent installment was well done and took me back to familiar territory.

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Media and Shepherding our Children

Great podcast here for parents or grandparents who spend lots of time with their grandchildren. We had better get serious about getting involved with our children's media choices . . . today! Click Here

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Sowing & Reaping

There have been times in my life when I have been in the position of seeing sad, hard consequential life circumstances that were a result of ungodly choices. This has happened in my life and in the lives of others around me. Galatians 6: 7-8 says one reaps what one sows. A dear friend of mine paraphrased that scripture like this...why would you plant corn and be upset when a green bean doesn't grow?

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I recently finished reading a book titled Follow by Floyd McClung. The author has served as a missionary church planter in Afghanistan, Amsterdam, America and now South Africa. While I may not be precisely in line with him on all points of doctrine, I found his book both edifying and convicting, challenging and encouraging. Brother McClung is serious about following Jesus and making followers of Jesus!

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Come on... you don't expect it to be clean do you. I AM A NANA.

Well...i have not blogged in a while. Okay okay, i have not blogged in forever. There are some valid reasons. My pastor (his name is Keith case anybody wants to send complaints to him) told me I had to use this new forum and start editing my own blog. Can u believe it? He got tired of fixing my mistakes. What is that about?? system was just recovering from that when I BECAME A NANA TO TWO TINY BABIES. i now have four sweet grandbabies. My life is overrun with grandkids and new mommas needing help and support. And so...this blog. Well.. you know.

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Instructions...would have been better

So....I just recently downloaded a lingo game on my kindle. I flipped through all the screens that gave instructions. I mean i have watched it on tv. So...who needs instructions. Well, four games later, all in the loser column, I read the instructions. Glory. .I have won a few.

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Economy Follows Character

As a Pastor, I really do try hard not to publicly endorse any specific candidates, nor publicly denounce any specific candidates for political office. No church I have ever been a part of has ever held a political rally in its sanctuary, nor invited a candidate to climb into the pulpit. I find American Christians typically fall into one of two camps regarding these matters:

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