17 Years of "Two Becoming One Flesh"

Today, May 20th, 2012 marks my 17th Anniversary! Seventeen years ago today, I stood in front of my gorgeous wife and made a vow to God and her to be her husband until death.

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Yesterday, the voters of North Carolina did the right thing by voting for an amendment to their Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

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The Wonder of True Love

Odd how God's Holy Spirit so often brings the text preachers are planning to preach to bear on their own souls first. Or, maybe it should not strike me as so odd, since preachers really have no business in pulpits if God's Word is not actively shaping, molding and squeezing them, too!

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Life Lessons from our Older Folk

"A gray head is a crown of glory; It is found in the way of righteousness" (Prov. 16:31).

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Trusting God in Transition

Often in the Bible we read the phrase "And it came to pass" (in the classic KJV vernacular). Or, in more modern English translations it might be "And so it happened." What follows on the heels of this Bible phrase varies widely, from the most mundane to a whirwind of insane activity.

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Making a Move

I am in the process of moving to a new state and a new ministry. I do not think many folks are actually following this blog, but for the few who are, I just wanted to say I plan to either get this blog back up and running soon, or perhaps begin a new one. Either way, I will let you faitfhul few know soon!

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No Dead Atheists

One of the western world's most famous atheists, Christopher Hitchens, died this week. He is no longer an atheist, assuming we define it not in the strictest terms (against God), but in the common vernacular - "a non-believer in God's existence."

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Parenting through a Tantrum

This just in from the parenting "experts" on NBC's Today Show: The way to solve child tantrums is to ignore them!

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Daddies and Daughters

Fatherlessness is killing the very soul of our nation and churches.

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The Grand Design for Marriage

For several weeks now, we have been exploring what I have called "The Big Seven." These are the seven key issues that have great potential to either bless or curse a Christian marriage. I guess one might say they can be either the "Seven Deadly Sins" or the "Seven Life-Giving Blessings." I hope you have been reading these posts with your spouses or fiancees, discussing them, searching the Scriptures referenced, and perhaps even using the posts to instruct your children.

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