Sweet 16

Today I celebrate the goodness of God in granting me 16 years of marriage with Michele. What an amazing gift of His love she has been to me through thick and thin.

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Plan B

Tonight's episode of ABC's "What Would You Do?" was eye opening and distrubing. You should be able to view it here:

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Vegan Bible

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone . . . Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it . . . And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem" (1 Samuel 17:50-54).

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Storms of Judgment, Streams of Mercy

Tornados everywhere! My own county got ripped up just two weeks ago, along with much of eastern NC. Now, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia have suffered horrible damage and loss of life.

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Death Our Teacher?

With the recent passing of two women I loved dearly (a great aunt and a grandmother), death has been on my mind. Sounds morbid, I know. That's because death is morbid!

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Lovely Lovine

On March 30th, 2011 my Mamaw died. Or, more biblically, she passed from death unto life.

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My Pearl Turns 11

On March 27th, 2000 the Lord blessed my wife and I with our first child, Meaghan. She was so tiny, I called her "peanut." We also called her "squirt" because the doctor literally had to catch her as she shot out of the birth canal. Meaghan made quite an entrance! My life has never been the same.

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Homeschool Matriarchs

Anyone who has known me for very long quickly surmises that I am a firm believer in Christians homeschooling their own children. The primary reason is that the Bible simply knows no other educational method than for parents to teach, train, disciple and raise up their own heritage (children). I find no biblical warrant for Christians to turn their children over to the state (or other secular institutions) for 40+ hours per week.

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Life Reaches Land

On page 344 of Science Explorer, Pearson Prentice Hall, an 8th Grade textbook used in our local middle school, we read a section titled "Life Reaches Land."

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Scientists Say the Darndest Things

Most of you are probably familiar with the old TV show "Kids Say the Darndest Things." I believe the orignal version was hosted by Art Linkletter, then later by Bill Cosby. It was cute show.

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