Teach the Children (Why C2H Pt II)

I remember well how Holy Spirit God brought conviction into my heart concerning my lack of zeal for teaching the Word to my daughters. In the Fall of 2008, I heard Dr. Albert Mohler (www.albertmohler.com) preach a sermon at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The title of that sermon, if memory serves me, was "How Not to Raise a Pagan." The text was Deuteronomy 6:1-9, which includes the well-known, but not well-practiced shema.

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Why C2H?

Cross-Centered Homes (C2H) is a ministry initiative birthed out of several years of research and personal concern for the homes represented in Tar Landing Baptist Church in Jacksonville, NC (www.tarlandingbaptist.org).

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The American Holocaust

For many evangelical Christians in the western world, this Sunday is "Sanctity of Human Life" Day. It is mind-boggling and stomach-churning to consider the tens of millions of unborn babies we have wholesale slaughtered in this nation over the past four decades. If anyone is still wondering where the Darwinian / Naturalist worldview leads, he or she needs look no further than the massive infanticide industry led by Planned Parenthood.

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Entering blogosphere . . . timidly!

Hello everyone. It's hard to believe I am actually typing a blog. For those who know me, this will doubtless come as a shock. For those who don't know me that well, let me explain.

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