Peace On Earth?

Christmas Season speaks often of peace.  I mean, after all, the angels announced to the shepherds, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (KJV).  

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Perfect Peace: Even In The Midst Of Chaos

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, the Lord God is an everlasting Rock” (Isaiah 26:3-4).  

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Socialism and Freedom (Election 2020, Part 4)

Well, it’s Election Eve. 

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Marriage, Family, Sexuality and Gender (Election 2020, Part 3)

“I will flat out change the law.”  

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Who Are You To Judge? (Election 2020, Part 2)

Amy Coney Barrett’s ongoing confirmation hearing in the US Senate highlights the criticality of Presidential elections.  Indeed, many conservative Christians voted for Donald Trump in 2016 based almost entirely on this issue – the appointment of Supreme Court Justices and judges all across this land.

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Election 2020

Could there be a more volatile time for a presidential election in our nation?  I am forever thankful my hope is not in this world!  

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