Posts filed under Biblical Theology
Jumbled has left me Tumbled
Oh my word! Really? Really, really God? Are You awake? Are You at work? Do You have any idea what is going on? Have You lost complete control? Must I do everything?
Run the Race
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1).
Yom Kippur
One of the Elders, Eric Hall, that I am privileged to serve with at Corydon Baptist Church wrote this today. With his permission, it is published here.
Train Whistles and Eden
Nearly every day since we settled into our new home in Depauw, IN my wife and I speak of being amazed that God has given us such an amazing home on such a gorgeous piece of property. The home we purchased (or are paying the bank for) sat empty for a year or more and we are astounded! Now, the home is not lavish. It is a simple home built in 1964 by a couple who had been, up until we moved in, its only occupants. And, the property may not suit a city boy's fancy. But we truly feel like the Lord reserved this spot just for us. We are amazed!