Posts filed under Books Worth Reading
Get Out of the Shallows
Of all the books I read last year, the Bible excepted, one has made an indelible impression upon me. I try to read 2-3 books a month, in addition to my normal weekly reading that is focused upon sermons and Bible lessons. And this book reading does not include online reading of blogs and the such. The vast majority (over 90%) of my reading is theological and doctrinal, nonfiction. It's not that I am personally against fiction, I simply don't have time for it.
A decade or more ago, I swore I would never read another book on leadership. As an undergraduate I readsomany I thought my head would explode. Then, as an Officer in the Marine Corps I read even more to the point of insanity! I was sick of reading about it. I just wanted to do it. So I swore off leadership books.
Taking God At His Word
Free as an audiobook in April, you will want to pick this book up. The ebook or soft cover book are also available this month for a donation of any amount Here.
The Holiness of God
R.C. Sproul's The Holiness of God is one of the best books I've ever read. It is a modern theological classic. Sproul's passion for holiness is contagious. I see how his life has been marked by this study, and I find that I want what he has. I want to be as excited about the character of God as he is. When I've read this book in the past it has always moved me to worship and I think it will do the same for you. Right now you can get your own copy of this excellent book for FREE by simply requesting it Here.
A Hunger for God: Fasting and Prayer
Marriage Matters
How does God use our marriages to change us? To grow us in holiness? To reveal our sins and shortcomings and encourage us to look only to Christ for satisfaction? How can we gain clearer vision, that we might see God at work in our marriages and come to embrace the everyday grace of the gospel? How can my marriage be rescued from its primary nemesis - my own selfishness?
Everyone's a Theologian
Yes, everyone is a theologian. R.C. Sproul offers a detailed explanation of the importance and role that theology plays in the Christian life. In Everyone's a Theologian R.C. Sproul explains some of the Bible's most important teachings in a readable and systematic fashion. His ability to make complex subjects understandable, and his careful handling of the Word of God make this an excellent resource. This significant theology introduction will aid any believer to apply Christian truths in their walk with Christ. It is a book about God, the Bible and the implications for our life. It is written by one of our days most careful thinkers. He is rightly referred to as a theologian, but in this book he calls every Christian a theologian, because theology is simply thinking about God. Everyone does it, but not everyone does it well. Everyone is a theologian and in this book Dr. Sproul invites every Christian to think about God carefully. The aim of the book is to make sure that our theology is in fact driven by the Word of God. Although he completely confuses the issue of baptism I can still gladly recommend the rest of the book. We plan to use this book in a future study at CBC so we want to encourage you to please go ahead and pick it up.
Read the Bible
Reading is for our good. We all know that it is true, but many of us think of it the same way we do vegetables. We know we must have some, so we eat the bare minimum, but we certainly do not enjoy it. When someone recommends a book to us we know that it probably would be quite beneficial if we read it, but still it seems like too much effort. It's easier to just sit on the couch and watch some TV and it is easy to think it's not that big of a deal if we don't read. What we are forgetting is that there is much that we don't know and there is much that we still need to know. This is especially true when it comes to the things of God. None of us know enough about God! None of us know enough about prayer, about trusting Him, about how we are to live holy lives. The truth is we all have a long way to go, but we have not been left in the dark. God has revealed himself to us. He makes himself known through a book, the Good Book.
Radical Together
Several years ago, a little orange book hit the shelves of Christian bookstores. I dare say nobody who read it came away neutral. You either loved it (in a sick, this-hurts-but-I-needed-it-kind-of-way) or you hated it (probably because it hurt and you were not willing to deal with its hard truths).
Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus
Why has the church over the past decades in the west talked so much about evangelism but done so very little of it? Massive evangelism conferences have been held. Mountains of curricula have been produced. Yet, by and large, most churches I know anything about are not really doing evangelism at all, or very well. Why?