Posts filed under Creation/Evolution
The July / August issue of Popular Mechanics magazine has an article titled "The Case for Alien Life." It chronicles the billions of dollars spent by our government scientists and others in search of life on other planets. Meanwhile on the 3rd Rock from the Sun 20,000 children starved to death today and America and China aggressively supported the termination of the lives of many thousands of unborn children.
Of Cats, Creation, The Fall and Three Girls
Back to School - What are Your Kids Learning?
"A student is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher" (Jesus, as recorded in Luke 6:40).
Life Reaches Land
On page 344 of Science Explorer, Pearson Prentice Hall, an 8th Grade textbook used in our local middle school, we read a section titled "Life Reaches Land."
Scientists Say the Darndest Things
Most of you are probably familiar with the old TV show "Kids Say the Darndest Things." I believe the orignal version was hosted by Art Linkletter, then later by Bill Cosby. It was cute show.
The Allegorical Genesis?
"He [Jesus] answered, 'Have you not read that He who created them in the beginning made them male and female?' " (Matt 19:4).
Pro Evo
A few years ago, a college student in our church gave me a copy of a book that was being handed out on her campus like cotton candy. It's titled Pro Evo: Pro Evolution - Guideline for an Age of Joy. The author is Asama? The book represents a tragic attempt to formulate an ethical system founded upon Darwinian evolution.
The Early Earth
"Your science class is going on a field trip, but this trip is a little out of the ordinary. You're going to travel back billions of years to the earliest days on earth . . . Enter the time machine and strap yourself in . . . a dial on the dashboard shows the number of years before the present. You stare at the dial - it reads 4.6 billion years" (Science Explorer, Pearson Prentice Hall, 8th Grade textbook, p. 338).
Ken Ham and The ARK Encounter
Answers in Genesis, led by Ken Ham, is causing quite a stir in the `rank`s of atheism, secularism, Darwinism, and sadly Christianity, with the announcement that they are planning to build an exact replica of Noah's Ark.