Posts filed under Culture War
I Know but I Don't Know
I have been thinking today about the same thing you all have..this tragedy in Connecticut. It is really an atrocity..a massacre...a crime beyond belief. No matter how you describe it, you will end up at the same emotional horrified for words. I have been thinking about all the people involved in that arena today. The mommas and daddies...the brothers and sisters...the grandmas and grandpas...the teachers and staff left behind....the wives and husbands and children left behind; and the grief counselors attending there onsite. As I began to hear about these grief counselors I found myself thanking God that I don't live there and do not have to attend to those massive, open bleeding hearts. I tried to think of words that I could say that would comfort and speak truth and life into the dead, lifeless hole that so many of the hearts there have become. I could think of none. I certainly cannot say I understand; I feel your pain; I know what you feel like. I do not know any of those things and I pray I never understand that kind of pain. I certainly could not discourse on how tomorrow will be brighter and how time heals all wounds because for them tomorrow will not come for their precious loved ones and time has been stopped in one horrible moment. I could not offer wisdom because I have none to offer in this particular situation. What in the world could one say? What in the world could one even pray? I found my answer where I always find my my precious Bible. It is truly sufficient for every pain; it can answer every question; and it can fill every need. I am praying tonight the precious Word of God for Connecticut and its people and for our country in general.
When is it OK to Lie?
Complete the following sentence:
The Fate of Nations
As I write this, our nation is voting for its next President. No doubt some of you reading this will be up late tonight to hear the results. Others reading this are more like me . . . they will just go to bed like they have every night before.
The Dilemma of God's Sovereignty
Poor Richard Mourdock, candidate for Senate here in my home state of Indiana. Poor guy. He actually had the audacity to assert that God is the sovereign giver of life.
Each and every year, my family gets more and more turned off by Halloween. Seems each year the TV commercials get scarier, bloodier, more gruesome, more dark. Seems every year we become more and more determined as a culture to celebrate all things creepy, crawly, dead, rotting, or zombie. And, as the Twilight Saga has shown us, we can even make these things "sexy."
How long, O Lord?
Seems every presidential or national-level election for the last 20 years has been touted as "The most important election in our history." How can this be?
Yesterday, the voters of North Carolina did the right thing by voting for an amendment to their Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
No Dead Atheists
One of the western world's most famous atheists, Christopher Hitchens, died this week. He is no longer an atheist, assuming we define it not in the strictest terms (against God), but in the common vernacular - "a non-believer in God's existence."
10 Years Later, Has Anything Really Changed?
Like most people who were older than 6 or 7, I remember exactly where I was ten years ago when Islamic terrorists attacked our country and killed thousands of our citizens, as well as hundreds of citizens of other countries.
My Favorite SuperHero
I did something totally out of the ordinary yesterday - I went to an actual theater to see an actual movie. To be exact, my awesome wife planned a special lunch date for me yesterday followed by a matinee. She took me to see Captain America.