Posts filed under Culture War
Ironic Outrage
This week a video was released showing a lunchtime conversation with a high executive at Planned Parenthood. In the video, she discusses the harvesting and subsequent sale of aborted babies' internal organs. She does this as she sips wine and nibbles at lunch.
God and Sex
When it comes to sex, is God a "cosmic killjoy?" You might be surprised by the answer. Click to watch the thought-provoking video below.
Transgender Hysteria
Thanks to Bruce Jenner's recent public "transformation," it seems transgenderism is front and center in American pop-culture. A missionary friend of mine who works primarily in New England sent me a picture this week of a transgender bathroom sign in Boston. He called it "a sign of the times."
Swim at Your Own Risk! Sharks in the Water!
I hardly recognize the country I served honorably as a United States Marine (1995-2000). I hardly recognize the military of my beloved country, for that matter! What in the world is going on?
Awful Anniversary
Thursday is the 42nd anniversary of the tragedy of Roe v. Wade. Tens of millions of murdered babies later, we're forced as American believers to wonder how much longer this nation can survive this holocaust.
Christmas Cheer or Christmas Deception?
Last Sunday we as a church body found ourselves in Genesis 3. We are asking the question, "Why did Jesus come?" And the answer from Genesis 3:15 was "Because of the Promise and Plan of God."
Digital Dementia
For nearly seven years now as a Pastor, I have been warning parents about the harmful effects on their children of too much "screen time."
Who is to Blame for the Sandy Hook Massacre?
It was nearly two years ago that the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place. Precious young lives were snuffed out by a man whose heart was evil and deranged. May God spare us another such tragedy and show us mercy.
A Sad End to a Funny Man's Life
I am a child of the 80s. I grew up on Mork & Mindy. It was there I, like so many others, got laugh-after-laugh watching the crazy antics of Robin Williams.
Academic Freedom . . . Ah the Stench of Liberal Liberty!
Bowdoin College in Maine has joined the slowly-but-surely expanding list of institutions of higher learning that now define "freedom" in terms of tyranny and tolerance (so-called).