Posts filed under Culture War

Thanks Candice Cameron Bure . . . For Nothing

Candice Cameron Bure, of childhood stardom, has been an outspoken believer in Jesus Christ for decades now. She has published books, and is respected among conservative Christian circles. I, too, have held her in high regard. So, I want to begin this post by saying "thanks" to Candice for taking a very public and open stand for faith in Christ.

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Where Your Treasure Is . . .

President Obama just made public his new budget proposal. I'm not an economist. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to develop a budget for a nation as sprawling and, `rank`ly, out of control as the United States of America. Once a government program is in place, it is almost always impossible to cancel or kill it. The beast grows heads, and our federal government is Medusa on steroids!

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The Duck Dynasty Dilemma

It was inevitable.

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What Sportsmanship?

If we were to ask a random sampling of parents of high-schoolers what purpose sports serve, we might get some of the following answers:

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Happy Birthday America!

As we celebrate Independence Day in America, I am so conflicted.

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Playing God

Well, I guess it's official. According to an article in the Baptist Press paper by Tom Strode, "Human cloning apparently has arrived." Some scientists in Oregon (big surprise, right?) report that they cloned human embryos. Their purpose was to produce stem cells. So, after only a few days of life, these scientists-turned-murderers "extracted" the stem cells.

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Bye-Bye Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) signed its own death warrant at their national convention last week. Granted, they did not go all the way down the path of destruction. They now accept boys who are active homosexuals, but do not allow adult leaders who are active homosexuals to serve. But, if we have learned anything from our US Military, we know where this journey is going to end.

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Will the Boys Follow the Girls?

I just read an intriguing article on the "surprising" success of the American Heritage Girls (AHG). The organization was founded 17 years ago by Patti Garibay after she became disgruntled by the Girls Scouts of America's obvious turn towards secular-liberal and even godless causes.

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Media Bias

Hey, did you catch what made the nightly news a few days ago on NBC, CBS and / or ABC? Apparently there was a massive pro-gun control protest in Washington, D.C. Massive anti-gun forces rolled out for it and these three big news networks made sure their camera's were rolling.

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Christmas in Connecticut

Our digitally over-stimulated society has led to many benefits, but also many curses. Among the curses, I believe, is the ability of nearly anyone and everyone to publicly "respond" to newsworthy (or not so newsworthy) matters. And apparently we all, myself included, simply cannot not respond. Bad English, but you get the point! We just cannot help ourselves. We feel compelled to make sure everyone knows how we feel or what we think when a deranged young adult guns down children, for example.

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