Posts filed under Culture War

Miley Cyrus' Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics is the study of proper Bible interpretation. Fancy word, simple definition.

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What Happens in CA Does Not Stay in CA!

California's Governor has just swept away any semblance of parental authority left in that state.

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Parents Under Fire!

Today I read of two court rulings - one in CA and one in TX - both of which continued the governmental assault on parental rights.

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Praying To Nobody

Several months ago, our local newspaper ( ran an article about the community of North Topsail Beach. Apparently, at some point last year, prayer to open the town meetings was canceled. But, a few alderman began to reconsider this PC decision. So far, so good . . . until you see what they actually adopted.

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Plan B

Tonight's episode of ABC's "What Would You Do?" was eye opening and distrubing. You should be able to view it here:

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No Need to Ask, They're Bold To Tell

Top story on the evening news tonight (NBC) was the inevitable repeal of the so-called "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (DADT) policy for our military. That policy states, in essence and to my understanding, two things:

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The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

All across the country, the yellow buses are rolling again. Children and teens are returning to school. The vast majority will attend state run schools, otherwise known as the public education system. 90% of Christian parents will continue this year to send their children into the public education system for 8 + hours a day. Some of these parents truly have no option (e.g. single parents whose churches will not help them to stay home if they so desire). Other Christian parents have simply never been challenged to think more clearly and more biblically on the issue of childhood education. Still others are just not willing to make the lifestyle sacrifices to either home school or find solid Christian schools as alternatives. And a few Christian parents have been called by God to send their children into the schools as missionaries.

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A Right to be a Liar

The gray-haired prophet of God stood at the precipice of his life. What would he say to God's people with his farewell address? Would he go out "in a blaze of glory" and call down fire upon the disobedient sinners? Would he belittle their new king? Would he remind them of his great and mighty acts of power and deliverance? What would be his concern as he retrospectively analyzed his life of service to God and God's people?

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Meet Mrs. and Mrs. Ellen DeGeneres

Several news sources have reported that Portia DeRossi, the famous (or infamous) partner (or wife if you accept the legality of gay marriage) of Ellen DeGeneres has taken Ellen's last name. This was reportedly done as a 2nd Anniversary gift from Portia to Ellen.

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Snooping Around My Home School

The little postcard I loathe arrived in the mailbox today. It was from the NC Division of Non-Public Education. On the postcard, it "threatens" homeschoolers with a visit from a DNPE staff member if the postcard is not returned by the deadline.

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