Posts filed under The Church

Ten Years of Gospel Unity!

On Sunday, March 12th, 2017 we (Corydon Baptist Church) celebrated our 10th Anniversary! The history of CBC is unique. In 1994, First Baptist Church of Corydon had an ugly split that resulted in a group leaving and forming Cross of Calvary Baptist Church. But in 2007, by a mighty act of God's grace and power, those two churches reunified under the banner of Corydon Baptist Church! We pray that our unique history will become commonplace, as churches that were once at odds lay down their offenses at the Cross and unite for the sake of God's glory in the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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Jane Roe - A Real Hero

Jane Roe was not her real name. That's just the name the feminists gave her when they hijacked her life and her story to foist abortion on America. They called her Jane Roe (Roe v Wade). But as Pastor Jim Garlow recently quipped:

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If That Isn't Love

February. The month for lovers.

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When Pro-Lifers are Only Mostly Pro-life

"Abortion Stops a Beating Heart!"

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If I Only Had a Brain!

My latest edition of Vanderbilt magazine just arrived. (Yes, I know it's hard to imagine I managed to graduate from Vandy, but God's grace works miracles!) As usual, I turned quickly to the Science section. I always find amusement there somehow.

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Blow the

Well, the most disgusting presidential campaign in my voting lifetime is over. For that I thank God. Let's take a really big breath. In through the nose. Hold it. Out through the mouth. There. Feel better?

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Creating Babies, But at What Cost?

According to several news outlets, the world's first "healthy" baby has been born as a result of a new procedure that uses DNA from three people. Read more here:

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If You Can Keep It

Back in the summer of 1787, on the narrow streets of Philadelphia in what is now called Independence Hall, god-fearing men were sequestered for 100 days in the hot summer sun. Laboring. Debating. And finally, in the end and only by the miraculous grace of God, crafting the US Constitution.

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And the Home of the Brave?

Quite a stir in the NFL right now. Players and entire teams are now trying to make political statements during the playing of the National Anthem. And, as expected, since kids all over America look up to those spoiled-rotten, millionaire boys-in-men's bodies, the "kneel down" protest has spread to middle and high schools. It's all enough to to make this US Marine Corps Veteran want to strap an M-16 to their backs and drop them all in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan so they can experience what it takes to provide such immense freedom that even enables them to protest while uniformed men and women hold the flag right in front of them in stadiums, standing at attention and saluting from the first note to the last.

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