Posts filed under Christian Living
Little Linda
My wife's mother, Linda, passed into the presence of Jesus on this day, Feb 6th, when my wife was only ten years old. But this is no sob story!
Self-Esteem: The Big Fat Lie
Self-esteem=big fat lie. Do you want to know the truth? You have not been getting it from the psychology world or the secular counseling world for a very long time. In fact, I think we have never heard the truth from those worlds at all in the matter of self-esteem. We have, instead, as Christians, been buying into a lie that is eating into the fabric of who we really are and what our worth really is.
I am Woman
Let me confess right off the bat that womanhood is a mystery to me. I can honestly say that after 53 years of being a woman, I am still figuring it out. That being said, I do know a couple of things for sure and thought I would pass them on. We deal in a world that thinks what we FEEL is truth. Well, that is simply not so. Truth is absolute; like 2+2=4. Even if I wished it equaled 100, well, it does not. So, it is with womanhood. There are some absolute truths to be known about being a woman.
Recently I have been studying Isaiah. It has been revealing to say the least. It has also been very convicting. It appears to me that the overarching theme of Isaiah is our dependence on ourselves as opposed to God.
One Long Day
At 11:27 p.m. on September 13th, I laid my forehead against my Dad's, said a prayer, then kissed his forehead and told him I loved him.
Eyes to the Sky
Much of the nation had their eyes to the sky yesterday during the solar eclipse. Hundreds of thousands converged in various "totality zones" from Oregon to South Carolina to experience a total eclipse of the sun.
Bitter Women Make Bitter Enemies
I have seen bitterness run rampant and destroy marriages and relationships with children in horrible ways. I have sat with women who are harboring bitterness like a treasure. They have stored it away in their hearts in a safe place. They say things like, "It does not affect my life. I am just not ready to lay it down. I control my emotions well enough that it does not affect me."
Back to School, Parents Beware!
Most students start the new school year within the next week or so. Even we home-schoolers are gearing up and warning our kids they are going to have to start getting up a bit earlier! A few private schools around here are already `rank`ing. Boy, summers seem to get shorter each year.