Posts filed under Parenting
Cross-Centered Motherhood
"And He [Jesus] said to all, 'If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me'" (Luke 9:23).
Perhaps nobody in our society's normal, daily ebb and flow sacrifices more and more often than mothers. Motherhood, by Divine design, is sacrificial.
The Family at Church – Week 4
Last week was our final week of reading through Scott Brown's book, The Family at Church. I sincerely hope you found the book challenging and encouraging. So many of the practical, biblical principles contained in this book were enormous means of grace as my wife and I raised our two daughters. Perhaps you may want to read through the book again in a future month? We have a sinful human tendency to be forgetful. So, as a church family, let's put one another in remembrance.
The Family at Church – Week 3
This week's readings in Scott Brown's book, The Family at Church, focused on two major topics: Practical advice for keeping children attentive during worship gatherings and helping children learn to love singing with the gathered church.
The Family at Church – Week 2
Here are some quotes and thoughts on this week's readings from Scott Brown's book, The Family at Church: 20 Days to Transform Your Local Church Experience.
Day 6
"Your family needs much more than your family can provide" (p. 57).
Tour Guides for Everlasting Joy!
"The places you take your children will influence them for the rest of their lives. You parents are their tour guides . . . I hope to encourage you to make your local church the center of your family's schedule and priorities."
This is how Scott Brown begins his book, The Family at Church: 20 Days to Transform Your Local Church Experience (p. 27). Our church family is reading this together during the month of October. At the end of each week (5 readings / chapters per week), I will offer some of the statements from each chapter that I found most personally edifying, challenging, and needed. I will do so with minimal commentary, so as to simply let readers continue to prayerfully soak up these principles and truths and exhortations, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God in Christ and the good of our families and church.
Media and Shepherding our Children
Great podcast here for parents or grandparents who spend lots of time with their grandchildren. We had better get serious about getting involved with our children's media choices . . . today! Click Here
Knowing God
A friend of mind recently asked me how she could more effectively teach her children who God is, while reinforcing the importance of really knowing Him. A more important question could hardly be asked! So, here's my response to her, which I pray will prove useful to others raising and teaching children:
When to Have Kids?
A Gallup Poll found that most Americans think women should start having children by age 25. Seems reasonable to me, if not a bit late! But then again I'm considered "far right" and far too religiously conservative for "most Americans."
Do Intact Families Really Matter?
According to a recent Family Research Council report, 45% of children ages 15-17 in America have been raised in intact families (a Dad and Mom in the home). That's a surprising statistic, and if accurate is higher than I would expect!
The 4 S's of Purity
"The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body" (1 Corinthians 6:13).