Posts filed under The Biblical Home

Top 10 Issues Faced by Today's Families

We at Corydon Baptist Church have just finished a two month sermon series aimed at the family. While in my mind "Family Ministry" is never-ending and all-encompassing (because the church itself is a family regardless of our various life situations), I have been pondering how to use this blog to wrap up the last two months of sermons and emphases. While digging through some files this week, I came across a study done by Lifeway Research titled "The Top 10 Issues Facing Today's Family." (You can view the article here: ) Here are the Top 5 (with some brief comments by me) per this particular study:

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Daddies and Daughters

Fatherlessness is killing the very soul of our nation and churches.

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My Father's Day Gift

On the day when I am supposed to be the one blessing my wife and children (and I really did try to), I found myself the recipient of an unspeakable blessing.

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Homeschool Matriarchs

Anyone who has known me for very long quickly surmises that I am a firm believer in Christians homeschooling their own children. The primary reason is that the Bible simply knows no other educational method than for parents to teach, train, disciple and raise up their own heritage (children). I find no biblical warrant for Christians to turn their children over to the state (or other secular institutions) for 40+ hours per week.

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The Women of Farmville

ABCs "Good Morning America" ran a story this morning about the epidemic known as Farmville. For those of you as blissfully ignorant as I, Farmville is an on-line game where players manage farms, crops, animals, etc. and earn virtual coins for harvesting crops, and so on.

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Great Gospel Resources

For Christian parents, grandparents, guardians and cargivers whose hearts are being moved by God to return to doing discipleship His way - beginning in the home - times have never been better.

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Packer on Evangelism

Now that we have spent several weeks examining the basic gospel message, I thought a quote from J. I. Packer's classic Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (IVP, England, 1961) was in order. From page 101:

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American Idols (Pt 4)

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:24).

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American Idols (Pt 3)

Funny thing, this morning I received a mailing from Focus on the Family. Enclosed was a small flyer entitled "State of the Family 2010." Four key issues infecting our families were listed:

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American Idols (Pt 2)

"Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31).

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