Posts by "Keith McWhorter"
Who is to Blame for the Sandy Hook Massacre?
It was nearly two years ago that the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place. Precious young lives were snuffed out by a man whose heart was evil and deranged. May God spare us another such tragedy and show us mercy.
What Wives Wish Someone Would Ask Their Husbands
A wise Christian lady in the church I serve was recently sharing with me how much God had used genuine biblical accountability to grow her husband in godliness. It was a very encouraging message for this pastor to receive. I've been and will continue to try to convince the men of our church, every man in our church, to join what we call Disciple-Making Disciple Groups (or DMDs). These are gender-specific groups where 2-3 men or 2-3 women gather together to:
Of Dinosaurs, Millions of Years and the Loss of Biblical Faith
The October issue of The American Family Association Journal has two interesting blurbs. Though they are on separate pages and treated separately in the journal, they are quite connected.
The Man-Centered Gospel is . . . Inspiring?
Recently a video from an "Inspirational Speaker" has been making the rounds on Facebook and You Tube. It is a man seeking to inspire women. So, ladies from all walks of life have been ooing and awing and swooning over it. The message speaks of God and women of the Bible (Ruth, Esther, Martha, Mary) and speaks of God's love. So, it is clearly intending to be a biblical message of inspiration. But it fails to pass the test in my book. You can view the message here:
Are Essential Oils Essential?
I have gout. All good preachers do. C. H. Spurgeon had it. John Calvin had it. I rest my case.
The Powerful Gospel
"Knowing brothers, beloved by God, that He has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but in power and with the Holy Spirit and with full conviction . . . And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the Word in much affliction , with the joy of the Holy Spirit so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. For not only has the Word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything. For they themselves report . . . how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come" (1 Thessolonians 1:4-10).
A Sad End to a Funny Man's Life
I am a child of the 80s. I grew up on Mork & Mindy. It was there I, like so many others, got laugh-after-laugh watching the crazy antics of Robin Williams.
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 5)
I hope by now my few but faithful readers are seeing just how much gospel is in the Old Testament Book of Numbers.
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 4)
God promised to give Israel a good land called Canaan. Poised at its edge, Moses sent spies into Canaan. Two spies believed God and wanted Israel to go in and take the land. Ten spies disbelieved God and gave a cowardly report.
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 3)
"And all the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron" (Num 14:2).