Posts by "Keith McWhorter"

And the Grammy Goes To . . .

Apparently Americans are no longer free to get up and walk out on a performance or awards show or speech without being accused of all sorts of crazy vile things. (Funny thing, I have people get up and walk out while I'm preaching nearly every Sunday. Some return. Others stay gone. But nobody is accusing them of crazy vile things.)

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The Duck Dynasty Dilemma

It was inevitable.

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When to Have Kids?

A Gallup Poll found that most Americans think women should start having children by age 25. Seems reasonable to me, if not a bit late! But then again I'm considered "far right" and far too religiously conservative for "most Americans."

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Distracted Homes

A few weeks ago I received a pamphlet advertising Christian Youth Camps and Events across North America. This particular organization puts on various camps with various emphases, such as a missions camp or an urban camp. But one of the options really got stuck in my craw sideways and has been lodged there ever since.

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What Sportsmanship?

If we were to ask a random sampling of parents of high-schoolers what purpose sports serve, we might get some of the following answers:

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Your dog or your neighbor?

Ray Comfort has a new DVD titled "Evolution v. God" It is typical, solid stuff that we have come to expect from our brother Ray. I would encourage you to purchase the DVD or watch it on the web Here. Then share it with others and show it to others.

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Humans - Just Sexual Animals?

This morning I perked up when I heard the anchors on the CBS Morning Show say the upcoming segment would feature "scientific" studies revealing whether monogamy is natural or not.

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The July / August issue of Popular Mechanics magazine has an article titled "The Case for Alien Life." It chronicles the billions of dollars spent by our government scientists and others in search of life on other planets. Meanwhile on the 3rd Rock from the Sun 20,000 children starved to death today and America and China aggressively supported the termination of the lives of many thousands of unborn children.

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Happy Birthday America!

As we celebrate Independence Day in America, I am so conflicted.

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Why I Never Needed the Boy Scouts

I remember the very first Pinewood Derby I ever saw.

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