Posts by "Keith McWhorter"

Playing God

Well, I guess it's official. According to an article in the Baptist Press paper by Tom Strode, "Human cloning apparently has arrived." Some scientists in Oregon (big surprise, right?) report that they cloned human embryos. Their purpose was to produce stem cells. So, after only a few days of life, these scientists-turned-murderers "extracted" the stem cells.

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Bye-Bye Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) signed its own death warrant at their national convention last week. Granted, they did not go all the way down the path of destruction. They now accept boys who are active homosexuals, but do not allow adult leaders who are active homosexuals to serve. But, if we have learned anything from our US Military, we know where this journey is going to end.

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My Good Thing

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).

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A Mother's Baptism

A few weeks ago, God graced me with the honor of baptizing an 80+ year old mother and saint of King Jesus. Ms. Mildred, as we affectionately know her, cooks one of the best breakfasts I've ever had. It was during one of those breakfasts that she had prepared for me and my family that she asked to speak to me about something.

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Do Intact Families Really Matter?

According to a recent Family Research Council report, 45% of children ages 15-17 in America have been raised in intact families (a Dad and Mom in the home). That's a surprising statistic, and if accurate is higher than I would expect!

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The 4 S's of Purity

"The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body" (1 Corinthians 6:13).

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What's good about Good Friday?

"The he released for them Barabbas, and having Jesus scourged delivered Him to be crucified . . . and when they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the robe and put His own clothes on Him and led Him away to crucify Him" (Matthew 27:26, 31).

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Will the Boys Follow the Girls?

I just read an intriguing article on the "surprising" success of the American Heritage Girls (AHG). The organization was founded 17 years ago by Patti Garibay after she became disgruntled by the Girls Scouts of America's obvious turn towards secular-liberal and even godless causes.

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Livingstone's Legacy

Today my sister called and reminded me that this is the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone. If you have no idea who he was, then take some time and learn!

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March Madness? More Like Year-Round!

The best blog posts and sermon illustrations always come from real life. At least that's true in my opinion. This is why I do not post to this blog multiple times a week, and sometimes I go silent for a few weeks at a time. My life is not always riveting (as difficult as that may be for some of you to believe).

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