Posts by "Keith McWhorter"
For Everything a Season
*Let me introduce Lori Beard. I have invited her to be a guest blogger on this site from time to time. Lori serves the church I pastor as a Biblical Counselor and Women's Ministry Leader. I know God will bless and challenge you through her blog entries. So, enjoy this first "entry" from my Sister in Christ.
Top 10 Issues Facing Today's Family (Part 2)
This is a continuation of the previous post. Let's briefly look at the final 5 big issues facing families today per the Lifeway Research article
Top 10 Issues Faced by Today's Families
We at Corydon Baptist Church have just finished a two month sermon series aimed at the family. While in my mind "Family Ministry" is never-ending and all-encompassing (because the church itself is a family regardless of our various life situations), I have been pondering how to use this blog to wrap up the last two months of sermons and emphases. While digging through some files this week, I came across a study done by Lifeway Research titled "The Top 10 Issues Facing Today's Family." (You can view the article here: ) Here are the Top 5 (with some brief comments by me) per this particular study:
Finishing Well
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7).
Death and "Name It, Claim It" Theology
Not many weeks ago, a man in our local area died. There is no need to call his name, as most believers in the Southeastern Indiana region will know about him already. He wrote a book. Though I have only read bits and pieces of the book, it was clear to me where he was headed with it. He began the book by speaking of a "more spiritual" way to read the Bible than all of us ignorant folk who just believe God says what He means and that God actually gave us an accurate history of His dealings with mankind and of the sending of His Son to save sinners.
Train Whistles and Eden
Nearly every day since we settled into our new home in Depauw, IN my wife and I speak of being amazed that God has given us such an amazing home on such a gorgeous piece of property. The home we purchased (or are paying the bank for) sat empty for a year or more and we are astounded! Now, the home is not lavish. It is a simple home built in 1964 by a couple who had been, up until we moved in, its only occupants. And, the property may not suit a city boy's fancy. But we truly feel like the Lord reserved this spot just for us. We are amazed!
In Remembrance
Just a quick "Thank You" to our military on Memorial Day seems far too small. Not to mention those who have bled the grounds of the world red on our behalf as Americans. We are spoiled rotten by God's mercy in this Nation, and one of the primary means God has used to protect us and our freedoms is our military's sacrifices. So, to troops past and present, I say "Thank You." We met and worshipped yesterday in freedom (spiritual and political). We should be quick to thank God for Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen and Sailors and their families serving around the globe. Thank you!
17 Years of "Two Becoming One Flesh"
Today, May 20th, 2012 marks my 17th Anniversary! Seventeen years ago today, I stood in front of my gorgeous wife and made a vow to God and her to be her husband until death.
Yesterday, the voters of North Carolina did the right thing by voting for an amendment to their Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.