Posts by "Keith McWhorter"

The Psychology of Preaching

Chico, California is a quaint city. Nestled about 120 miles north of Sacramento, it is surrounded by miles of orchards, rice fields, plowed fields, and neatly manicured cattle ranches. In the distance, one can see the mountains reaching heavenward between Chico and the Pacific Ocean. Gorgeous. Not at all like Southern CA.

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Pro-Life or Abortion Rights Opponents?

In the regular email updates I receive from Life Institutes, one writer referenced an intraoffice memo sent by a higher up at NPR. The memo urged NPR employees / broadcasters to stop using the term "pro-life" and instead substitute what was labeled more "neutral" language like "abortion rights opponents."

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Easter is . . . All About Me?

Last night my wife was perusing a Wal-Mart advertorial. If that's not the proper term, then suffice it to say she had the Wal-Mart advertisement newspaper in hand! For reasons that shall surely escape me well into the millenial reign of Christ, I asked that she hand it over. That was a mistake.

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Diversity in State Schools

Wake County, NC finds itself embroiled in quite a bruhaha. The County School Board recently voted to stop busing children long distance to achieve "diversity" in schools. You can read more on the controversial decision here:

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Sanctified Marriage

"And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes and be careful to obey My rules" (Ezekiel 36:27).

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Scared of Marriage (Pt 2)

It was the Puritan John Owen that wrote: "To suppose that whatever God requireth of us that we have power of ourselves to do, is to make the cross and grace of Jesus Christ of none effect."

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Scared of Marriage

J. Budziszewski wrote a great article recently posted on Boundless Webzine. In it, he chronicled how a young college student relayed to him his utter paralysis when it came to the issue of marriage. This young man had no plans to marry, and doubted whether any couple can really stay married anymore until death parts them.

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The All-Surpassing Value of the Gospel of Christ

I am scheduled to preach this Sunday morning - yippee! Opportunities have been scarce of late, so my heart is thrilled to once again have the sacred honor of feeding God's flock from His Word. Of course, for someone such as myself whose preference is always expository preaching, verse-by-verse, passage-by-passage through books of the Bible, having to just "figure out" what text to preach is somewhat intimidating! How do you topical preachers do it? :-0 How did Spurgeon do it? I'm just not that creative!

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American Idols (Pt 4)

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:24).

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American Idols (Pt 3)

Funny thing, this morning I received a mailing from Focus on the Family. Enclosed was a small flyer entitled "State of the Family 2010." Four key issues infecting our families were listed:

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