Posts by "Keith McWhorter"
The All-Surpassing Value of the Gospel of Christ
I am scheduled to preach this Sunday morning - yippee! Opportunities have been scarce of late, so my heart is thrilled to once again have the sacred honor of feeding God's flock from His Word. Of course, for someone such as myself whose preference is always expository preaching, verse-by-verse, passage-by-passage through books of the Bible, having to just "figure out" what text to preach is somewhat intimidating! How do you topical preachers do it? :-0 How did Spurgeon do it? I'm just not that creative!
American Idols (Pt 4)
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:24).
American Idols (Pt 3)
Funny thing, this morning I received a mailing from Focus on the Family. Enclosed was a small flyer entitled "State of the Family 2010." Four key issues infecting our families were listed:
Tiger Woods - Fighting a Losing Battle
I hate sin. In my life. In others' lives. In our culture. In our world. This is who God graciously makes us in Christ - haters of sin and lovers of God. So, it has been with great sadness that I have followed the now over-exposed exploits of Tiger Woods. While the media circles like sharks around a bloody piece of bait, his adoring fans remain shocked and deeply disappointed. He was, and is, the world's greatest golfer, an icon to millions of kids. His downfall is not something to rejoice over or even to gawk at like the news agencies so want you to do.
American Idols (Pt 2)
"Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31).
The Savior of New Orleans
Due to the ridiculous statements being made in the aftermath of the Super Bowl, I am compelled to leave our present discussion on the American idols of busyness and lifestyle to say a few things about "The Savior of New Orleans."
American Idols
For the next few posts, I want to begin challenging readers to think very seriously about the obstacles that might stand in the way of growing more cross-centered in their homes (marriage, parenting, sibling relations, etc.). After all, it should come as no surprise that if a follower of Christ makes a commitment, by God's grace, to pursue holiness and Christ-likeness in one or more areas of life, battles will ensue.
Teach the Children (Why C2H Pt II)
I remember well how Holy Spirit God brought conviction into my heart concerning my lack of zeal for teaching the Word to my daughters. In the Fall of 2008, I heard Dr. Albert Mohler ( preach a sermon at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The title of that sermon, if memory serves me, was "How Not to Raise a Pagan." The text was Deuteronomy 6:1-9, which includes the well-known, but not well-practiced shema.
Why C2H?
Cross-Centered Homes (C2H) is a ministry initiative birthed out of several years of research and personal concern for the homes represented in Tar Landing Baptist Church in Jacksonville, NC (