Posts from "2014"
The Man-Centered Gospel is . . . Inspiring?
Recently a video from an "Inspirational Speaker" has been making the rounds on Facebook and You Tube. It is a man seeking to inspire women. So, ladies from all walks of life have been ooing and awing and swooning over it. The message speaks of God and women of the Bible (Ruth, Esther, Martha, Mary) and speaks of God's love. So, it is clearly intending to be a biblical message of inspiration. But it fails to pass the test in my book. You can view the message here:
Unity . . . A Two-Sided Coin
So, it is typing stinks at all hours of the day...and I am blurry visioned. So, why you writing this then Lori...( I heard you ask me that.) Well, I have has this on my mind since Pastor Keith preached today. So, you can blame your pastor for this late night blog. (Great big hehe there).
Now, here is my thinkin. Luke 23:12 talks of a very unholy alliance..a unity that went beyond jealousy, envy, power struggles, race differences, common hatred. It talks about a unity of two, based solely on their mutual cowardice..their mutual small characters. .their mutual disregard for Jesus.
Luke 23:12 says these men, (Pilate and Herod) who had been enemies before this day, were now fast, united friends. Really...really...are you kiddin me? Two men who hated each other...jealous, envious, and after their own glory, united as did that happen? Well, it is simple really. Misery loves company. These two men were called upon to do the right men of honor. who could have and should have saved an innocent man's life on that ordained day. They could have taken the hard road and chosen Jesus...but they were cowards and gave him over to die. This immediately bound them together. This stand against Jesus...this stand against right..this stand against holiness bound them together like stink on a dog (ummm..cliff says something like that but he is asleep so...that is the best I got). Anyway, that led me to thinking. Do we do that? Why, yes we do. How many times in our sin do we turn from the people in community who are loving us enough to warn us about our sin..loving us enough to hold us accountable for our sin...and who do we turn to? Well, usually to someone who believes the way we do. We turn to those who "get us." We turn to those who "know what it is like." We turn to those who don't make us feel bad like, well, those holier than thou people. I have seen this in people who have left the church under discipline. They group up like minions in the "I hate CBC army" and talk about their woes and all that is wrong with that place. Boy, I would love to camp out at Herod...Pilate... and All the people under discipline's doorstep ..but the hard truth is I am guilty if this too. I hate the truth about my sin. I want other women to affirm me in it, so often, when I am confronted, I just go find new best friends. Friends who know how to walk on eggshells without cracking them...friends who understand that if you say anything I do not agree with (who cares if its in the Bible) well, I won't play with you anymore. God forgive me for that. Today, I was sick because I could identify so well with these two scoundrels. Oh my word Lori...grow up in Jesus. Just because the natural is that misery loves company of like minds does not mean I have to go along. I can beg God to transform me and help me not conform to flesh. How about you? Are you united to another for the purpose of the glory of God? Are you united to those consumed by him and aching for his holiness? Or...are you uniting yourself with those whose sin makes your sin ok? Are you united with those who have chosen something over Jesus, just like you? Are you seeking out relationships that point you to Jesus or relationships that point out how right and good you are?
Are Essential Oils Essential?
I have gout. All good preachers do. C. H. Spurgeon had it. John Calvin had it. I rest my case.
Instructing a Child's Heart
Wow! Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp is a practical and Christ centered guide to Biblical parenting. The Tripps rely heavily upon the Word of God as they explain the importance of dealing with the heart issues behind your children's behavior. They take serious the Christian responsibility for parents to disciple their own children. The main thrust of the book is formative instruction where parents train their children in the ways of the Lord. It is a great help! I found this material encouraging and convicting. I highly recommend it!
The Powerful Gospel
"Knowing brothers, beloved by God, that He has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but in power and with the Holy Spirit and with full conviction . . . And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the Word in much affliction , with the joy of the Holy Spirit so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. For not only has the Word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything. For they themselves report . . . how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come" (1 Thessolonians 1:4-10).
Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace
If you are struggling against pornography or if you want to help others in the fight, then you should read Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert. It Is a great resource. It's filled with sound theology and enough Scripture that anyone who reads it will find it challenging, convicting and helpful. It is a practical guide to growing in purity. I thoroughly appreciated it and know it will be one that I will reread and share with others. What makes it such a great resource is that it starts with the gospel and then from there looks extensively at a variety of weapons that can be used in the fight against lust. Dr. Lamber provides an arsenal to be used in the battle. This book is certainly worth the effort and time it will take to read it. Lambert sets his sights high, "In this book, I want to share with you the amazing depth and effect of Christ's power to eradicate pornography from your life. Whether you struggle with pornography yourself or are trying to help someone who struggles, I have good news for you: no matter how intense or long-standing the struggle, it is the work of Jesus Christ to set people free from such sin." Here are some more great quotes from its pages.
A Sad End to a Funny Man's Life
I am a child of the 80s. I grew up on Mork & Mindy. It was there I, like so many others, got laugh-after-laugh watching the crazy antics of Robin Williams.
Faithful Until the End
Every time I turn the news on or pick up a paper or get on facebook (cause we all know everything posted on facebook is true for sure) I see accounts of Christians around the world who are being mocked, jeered at, tortured, beaten and killed for their faith. My heart is heavy for them and their families. I do not and cannot imagine their great sorrow or sacrifice.
Who's in Charge Here Anyway?
I am seeing a trend that is surprising to me from God's view but not at all from the world's view. The surprising thing about this trend is that it is as prevalent in the church as out. But wait, wait, we are to be in the world not of it. Ummm...epic fail in this area.
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 5)
I hope by now my few but faithful readers are seeing just how much gospel is in the Old Testament Book of Numbers.